Guardian Angel

477 25 17

I pick up the phone,I hear a heavy sigh.

- Shuhua, is Minnie... Yuqi and Soyeon...
She don't finish and starts crying,my tears were falling too I was feeling that something was going really bad.

- W..What ??

- Th...They are gone... They passed away last night after a car accident...

I dropped my phone and soon my body hits the ground. Tears falling from my cheeks, my hands were trembling, my vision was blurry. I feel Soojin's arms around me and now she is talking to Minnie. I can't feel anything, hear anything...
I was now at the sofa of our house... I don't know how I go her.. I don't remember anything other than my vision getting blurry. I lost the most important person in my life , the only one I know would never ever in her life leave me the way I left her ... I had received 60 msgs from her, 25 calls... 30 msgs from soyeon and 35 calls...
15 were on the time of the accident They left voice msgs that I don't know if I was ready to listen to it ....

-Shu? Shu??
I finally heard her voice... like she was trying to save me....


She was as lost as me, but she was stronger than me... She is able to always hide what she feels....

- Come eat, please baby .... we have to go to their funeral soon....

I was broken but I need to be stronger now, Soyeon always told me that I shouldn't cry,or feel sad too often... She says we always need. To be strong, and Yuqi was always my ball of Sunshine... She was there for me even when I was in Taiwan.... I need to get up and do it for them... I walked to the kitchen and sat at the counter top and Soojin gives me a small smile, she starts feeding me and I was trying to distract myself from thinking too much


We were looking at their pictures , just like i remember them.... smiling at each other .
So many people came to us... Their friends and family were all here... well I only had Yuqi .... She only had me as a family member...That cared for her, I just let myself cry in Soojin's arms.... I allow myself to be vulnerable , Our managers came to talk us... Minnie came late night to cry together in Miyeon. Soon the 4 of us were eating in silence.
It was like this for 4 days... People visiting, reporters wanting to talk to me. I was so done at this point,I just wanted to disappear .... Me and Soojin went to the company with 4 security guards around us , once we in we walk straight up to the CEO office to put our contract on pause for the time being, he was a little bit sad about it, but he trusted us...
It was difficult to leave what I love but it was for something else that I love as well... and to get my real healing time ....


1 Year later

Soojin Pov
Here we were,visiting them again... Shu had a smile in her face finally. I was holding her hand while in the other she held roses...Yuqi would have just teased her as usual for being sweet I guess... I miss how they would fight like kids and me and Soyeon would threat them with food. I miss soyeon , her genius brain, her amazing dot with music... Oh that will be missed the most... Her songs, the deep meanings they had... It will all be missed ... We had took what we could from their house and we put them in a special room at our new house. We dedicated the biggest room for it. Setting up Soyeon's Studio, putting Yuqi's various instruments and Music stuff around as well, Shuhua kept some of Yuqi's favorite clothes. In our bed we had their plushies to keep us company they had so many we had to get a big bed. Now we also adopted 2 cute puppies. Haku and Mata, Shuhua said Yuqi suggested that name when they were kids wanting dogs so we kept it for the sake of her memory....

- Thank You...
I hear Shu's voice break and I hug her... She was touching at their small plaques as she places the roses inside their box.

Next Chapter is final Chapter !!!
Thank You for the love and unconditional support through out Love of Tomorrow.

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