Worth It

491 30 20

1 Week later

Soojin was sitting in Shuhua's Studio, it was about 9 pm. Soojin had already finished her last project.
- I want us to be public...
Shuhua said out of the blue.
Soojin looked at her.

- Are you sure??

The younger got up from the chair still limping a little in her hurt leg ad she sat in Soojin's lap.

- I mean. I hate seeing you being so careful , I hate us having to just be afraid of everything.
- The time will come, okay?

Shuhua nods and they initiate a small kiss,Soojin caress shuhua's thighs , They just stayed together in that position for 1more hour. They hear the door and tell the person to enter, there he was , Samuel. Soojin grabs the blanket and covers Shuhua's legs.

- Hi... I didn't know you both were here.

He said and Soojin roll her eyes.

-Well, she is my girlfriend after all, wherever she goes I go, why did you became a stalker by the way??

Samuel remained silent.

- I head you interview, seriously quit trying. Shuhua is mine, since she was 13 years old she is my girlfriend.
I am tired of you Samuel, should I report you?? You have been buzzing her phone, saying weird stuff on tv.
Please just quit.

- I really like shuhua.

- Samuel, please. leave me alone...

Shuhua said hiding her face in Soojin's neck.
He tries to reach shuhua. Soojin sits Shuhua and slaps Samuel hand.

- GET OUT!!!
She yells, Shuhua manager heard the yelling, she went to the room watching what was happening.

- Samuel, how did you get here?? I told you not to disturbed Shuhua.

Shuhua's manager called security to take Samuel away.

- Thank You...
Shuhua and soojin said at the same time.

- You two need to go public before he makes a whole scandal. Tomorrow , I need you two in the morning. Also Soojin, I know you are an engineer, but we would want you to sign with us as a model, rather than being a normal person... We want to give you protection as well.

Both of them were shocked with how fast things were going at this rate, Samuel was really getting in everyone's nerves. They were afraid to lose everything, but if the company also wants it, them it will be given to them.

————— Next Day——————-

Shuhua Pov

Me and Soojin were behind the door that leads to a huge amount of  reporters and other press people. Soojin. was nervous, last night she kept telling me she didn't want to ruin me, I said we should endure .

- We are here today to announce before any other Media 2 things. Today we announce a new artist and also we announce a new couple.This is going to reach the fans in a lot of ways but, we have to do this, Samuel has been making it look like he has a relationship with Yeh Shuhua, and this lead to our artist being in dangerous from his behavior.
shuhua is in a currently relationship and here they come.

The Ceo announced and I feltmy hands sweating, me and Soojin walked out the door and flashes almost made me blind.

- This is our new artist,Seo Soojin. She is model and engineer.She is also Shuhua's Partner.

The CEO completed and Cameras got more and more hungry for us.

- Hi,I am Seo Soojin,please take care of me.

- Hi, I am Yeh Shuhua,

-Please,we will now answer about 5 questions only.

The reporters started putting hands up and saying our names, I point to one in the back .

- Yeh Shuhua, so you are miss Soojin are in a relationship for how long.??

The report asked and I smiled.

- About 8 years....

Everyone looked impressed while they took notes and  recorded.
Soojin now choose a Woman in  the front.

- Soojin, are you the famous engineer who built the 8 towers in Gangnam ??? Are you leaving your engineer career as well???

- Oh , Yes it was me who did the entire project, and I don't really know. Has been very dry lately and I  guess I would really enjoy doing something fun as a job.

I smiled to her and then pointed to another reporter

- Are you guys afraid of how your fans will react??

- I am not, I have this gorgeous woman beside me on a daily basis, I have been happy with her despite ups and downs in any couples life.... We have been strong for a long time... We won't beak apart even if we lose everything.

I said with confidence and  Soojin points to another reporter.

- To Yeh Shuhua. Samuel told in his Instagram account a couple of hours ago that you asked for his number and  you were the one stalking him most of the time, is that True ???

I rolled my eyes and opened my phone with Face ID opening my Kakakao.

- Here, I took a screenshot of every time he was bugging me ....

I showed the pictures I sent to my lawyer. It was all Samuel I only replied once for him to stop.

They were impressed not knowing that Samuel was this type of person.

- About Your upcoming drama , how it will be ?

Another report asked.

- The drama is right now being rewritten, we had a discussion this morning with the director and it will all be fixed to tart the shooting next month. Thank You so much for you attention guys!!! Please give my JinJin a lot of love !!

I held Soojin's hand and we both got out of the room with loud sounds of flash, we both made our way to my studio, I finally got a electronic door locker.
We sat down and Soojin was laughing. I look at her  and she hugs me

- I Love you... I love you more than  I can express, and waiting to see you again was my best decision, saying sorry to you and receiving a second chance from you....Everything with you is worth it .....

Love of Tomorrow (Until we meet again)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon