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We were now at the beach, it was 5:25 am...
We couldn't ask for a better moment. Our phones were on silence, everyone was looking for us... We just needed a break... I needed a break...

- I want to live like this forever with you..
I hear Soojin's voice.

- I wish we could...

I quietly say and she shows me a fading smile.
The waves were sounding so good in my ears, the wind, I could never imagine such a quiet life giving up of my dreams... Though I think I need it...
We stayed silent for 1 hour just holding each other feeling the sand on our bare feet and looking at the waves.

I wish life was easy, we could conquer anything, being young is as hard as being a full grown 30 years old person... Having so little time to decide things...

- I hope we never break...

I say looking at Soojin now, she smiles.

- I would never leave you, even if I am a ghost !

I laugh with her statement and I kiss her as if there was no tomorrow, if we didn't need air, as if my life depended on that kiss... When we both separate our foreheads were on each others and we were just quietly looking into each others eyes. Her gaze never fails to makes my heart skip a beat... Even after all these years she has the same effect as the first day on me....

Seo Soojin Pov

I was right there... Right there with her, with it on my pocket, I reach to the ring and I hold her. She was looking at me confused but smiling.

- Yeh Shuhua, will you marry me....?

She had tears running down her eyes and she smiles wider hugging me with all her might....


That was the best moment of my life, I've been in love with this woman for more than 8 years and now I'll get to spend my entire life beside her....

I know is short I just don't have much time today.
But I am preparing 3 last chapters for this Fanfic ! Longer ones Love Y'all ! Be ready for the Good Bye !

Love of Tomorrow (Until we meet again)Where stories live. Discover now