What do I call You???

522 30 40

Shuhua. Pov

I was in Soojin's lap, yet looking at her eyes, stayed between kisses for about 40 minutes now.
We hear knocks on the door. I get out of Soojin's lap and try to fix my clothes before opening the door to see one of the AD's .

- 10 minutes until your next scene, is the theater scene, page 78 .

I smile thanking the AD and grab the script reading the page to make sure I got it all, Soojin was looking at me and I smile to her.

- Imma keep my eyes in this Samuel ...

I laugh with what she says and I go t her giving her a fast peck on her lips.

- Okay, let's get out....

——- Studio 5 , Theater. ———-


I yell looking at the empty space in the theater, then the Smoke was triggered , Loud Thud and falling objects were all over the front theater. Something actually caught me and I fell screaming in pain.

- CUT !!!!!!
I heard the director say an Soojin went running as the staff came as well. My leg was dripping blood. Soojin appears in front of me and I wrap my arms around her neck and she takes me to my chair. Everyone was crowding over us asking me if I was okay.

- Obviously she is not, where is the doctor??? The first aid kit?? COME ON PEOPLE MOVE !!!!

Soojin was looking so hot when she was mad. I was quite surprised. The doctor appears in no time after her harsh words. They treat me and clean my leg, it had a deep but small cut, they had to stitch the area, I held Soojin's hand and she kept quiet in silence looking at the director with the coldest Eyes. Once it was done and I had Soojin taking me in her arms once again. She walks to the director.

- What kind of non sense of a scene was that? She is hurt, with a deep wound. I hope you take your time to let her rest and think about the use/materials of your props.

She said. In such a calm. But cold tone. I could see in the directors eyes he was scared . Soojin leaves taking me to the green room closing it and sitting me in the sofa.
- I
She tells me to stay quiet and grabs her phone calling me agent.
She has her number ?I was in disbelief, but i felt so happy . I hear knocks on the door, Soojinopens it still talking with my agent it was Samuel.

— What do you want , Samuel??
I ask as Soojin was on the phone .

- Are you okay?
He tries to enter but Soojin. Puts her arm on the wall that he was trying she put the phone away for a second.

- If you try to get near her , I'll make you regret your existence.

I don't know why Soojin was being so sexy for but I won't complain.

- I just want to make sure...

He said .

- She is. Fine, I am her Girlfriend. You are just her colleague. I'll ask Kindly for you. To. Leave... I really don't like to repeat myself....

He leaves frustrated and I was so happy about her attitude I couldn't even remember my pain.

- Yeah, The van is outside? Thank you. I'll take her to my house. Yeah, no problem.

—————-Soojin's House———-

Soojin POv

I left SHuhua in the room watching a movie and went to the kitchen to do some food for her.
I wanted to do some carbonara this time. She got hurt really bad in her leg and I will make this director pay for his non care of his actors. I walked slowly through the kitchen finding everything I needed for the carbonara. I click on the Ipad that stays in the kitchen to put something to ply while I am cooking, When I see Samuel was appearing in a program and I heard Shuhua's name so I watched.


MC: So you are doing a drama with the famous , Yeh Shuhua???

SM: Yeah, she is very pretty up close.

MC: Are you guys doing a couple in the drama?

SM: Sadly not, our drama doesn't focus on romance.

MC: You seem like you really admire her.

SM: Oh, Yes I do. She is a very reserved person and I like that in her.

MC: Hmmmm.... is there a couple emerging???

SM: Who KNows....


I hit the table loud with you fists. I hear Shu'svoice


- YEEES!!! Just hit the table, sorry.

I sigh, Samuel you are on my blacklist and you gonna suffer the consequences....

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