FBI meets the supernatural world (criminal mind and teenwolf)

Start from the beginning

Scott was still in his Alpha form I said why have you not changed back like the other he said I can't I said ok, dad break it now we are going to the hale house lets go, Scott I need you to follow my voice and only my voice ok he howled at me I said ok come on then, I turned to Allison and said take our team to the Hale house im going to run around here to calm Scott down I turned to the pack and said I would prefer if you went will Allison,  Liam said but I want to go with you I said ok you can come with me now Derek I can see you are worried Hotch, Derek, Spencer, Rossi, Emily, JJ and Penelope can not do anything unless myself or Allison give permission and we was put in charge on this mission as we new what would be the best thing to do in a small town like this, now go I have got to find Scott Liam smell your alpha. Once we caught up to Scott I was running through the forest with Liam by my side and talking to Scott after a while I ran to the hale house and I said ok come back now and he was fine again I chucked him a shirt as he had ripped his other one. Ok team stand to the left but in front of me, pack to the right in front of me and straight ahead people related to the pack yes that includes you Peter so move good.

Now first pack are you hurt? Derek said lsaac is I said is he healing? Lydia said yes Allison said good, parents how are you? are you all OK? Melissa said we are all good, I said ok now team I know you are very confused but supernatural creature are real, now you can ask questions but Allison and I will be the only ones to answer and if we say no that's final. But first i know you lot can smell Allison on me and I know that you have told the parents but we have not slept together we just shared a bed because they are back and so was her's we tried rooming with other people but we would just stay awake all night if we was in the same rooms it did not mater if we fell asleep and woke up screaming because we did not have to lie and talk about it we could just say they are back. Emily then said but why was she sleeping on top of you then? Before for we could answer the pack and parents as well as Peter shouted at them saying you better not be accusing them because we can tell if they are lying anyway now be quiet they are 20 and have been through more than any of you. I said be quiet they are right we have been through more than any of you. now over there is a hellhound, banshee, kanima/werewolf, three beta werewolfs, one true alpha, Werecyote and another werewolf, kitsune and my personal favourite the human that does the tech of everything, then there is me the second in command the human that runs with wolves I make plans and created plans to save people and Allison here is a hunter. Spencer said how have you got such a diverse pack surely it does not work. Ok I'm going to show you im going to put us in to group each will have a pack member apart from Scott he will howl and we will respond and we will all go to where Scott is with out a message or call now here are the groups when I call you stand  with the pack member I put you with don't worry if you want to survive then you will stay will them also they will move from the group so you will go and stand next to them

In my group it will be Peter and hotch
Allison's group will be Derek H and Penelope
Danny's group will be Chris, Malia and Rossi
Lydia's group is Melissa, Jackson and JJ
Liam's group will be Parrish and Derek
Isaac's group is Deaton and Emily
The final group is Kira, Noah and Spencer

Now here is what is going to happen Scott is going to howl if you are a pack member you will respond to the howl and you will be telling your group who it is, if two pack members are in your group both have to respond for instant peter and I both have to respond once every one has responded Scott will howl again and we will all go to him.

Groups stay where you are pack come over here if Scott howls when we are all still respond remember to protect those who can't protect themselves if it does happen forget about who is howling and just respond now Scott off you go and the rest of us.

I took my group and we was quite close to the highway we waited for a bit when finally Scott howled, I said that's Scott, a scream came which was Lydia and Jackson howled straight after then Malia roared and Danny whistled, then Kira purred after Kira i went and I screamed then Peter howled, there was then another howl followed by a scream i said that is Derek and Allison, there was another howl that was isaac, and finally there was another howl which was quite quiet but we know it as we are a pack, it was Liam's. Then Scott howled again signalling we could go to him i took my group to get Liam first and I then screamed and Liam howled to signal we are together i let Parrish and Peter take them to Scott and I stayed with Liam because he was losing control he was calm enough to walk to meet Scott I asked him what had triggered him to lose control and he said Derek said I am to young and he wishes that he was not placed in my group as I would get him lost. I said its OK you know that not true now come ok. Once we got to the beacon Scott said what happened i said he nearly lost control but its all good we will talk about it later.
Now we are one of the strongest pack in the world and as you can see there are many different people in the pack and we all listen to each other and the commands from our alpha even us humans. Now Scott Liam lets go over there for a minute because i can still tell you are not fully calm.

As we was going over I could hear sourwolf telling them to all watch including our parents, I said it was because you saw him that it got you wound up again isn't it? Liam said yes and he start to change Scott and I looked at each other and then Scott said I love you little one but can Liam come back please, Liam's wolf said no and he started to run around so Scott changed and I said I really should have taken the bite I then placed a barrier round us so I could get them to change back Scott done it straight away Liam was a bit harder we told him to find his anchor which we found out was us because we was like parents, after a while he calmed down me and Scott was sat on the floor when Liam came and sat between up and whispered thanks mom thanks dad I know the other werewolfs heard and i think the full pack did.

Sourwolf said to everyone Liam's wolf side and maybe his human side see Stiles as a mom and Scott as a dad because Liam was young when Scott bit him they was also the ones looking after him and was teaching him control which is why Stiles is about to blow up on you Derek because you hurt his pup your lucky that Scott is here or it will be worse for you. Now your also luck that Allison is with you next week or it would end bad for you now I'm going to be quite as the barrier is going down.

After a while I let the barrier down and stood up and went to Derek and said if you ever say anything about my pack again I will hurt you and by the way I am not going to apply for the two year one and im not sure about Allison but I have enough work to do here I don't need to be a FBI agent, now if this ever come up in a written report or someone who is not you knows about supernatural I will wipe your memories of this and theirs. Now I will be back next week for the final week of teaching and to have the award of the FBI agent but I will not be joining your team any time soon. Allison said the same as me and I hear Danny say to the pack never mess with the pack because mama Stiles will rip you apart.

Now I will take you back to the hotel if the pack want to stay in my room you can as we still have to go with the team until next week.

And that is how the FBI BAU found out about the supernatural world.

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