Chapter 2 - Change is Good

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Disclaimer: I do not own all of the characters in this story, the familiar names belong to the writers and creators of The Vampire Diaries.


Three months later...

Rebekah and Elena had become best friends in a short amount of time, they had a lot in common and they both needed that someone to lean on. Elena could talk about her break up with Jackson and Rebekah could talk about her over-protective family and the recent 'money problem'.

It had already been three months of working a mundane job and living with constraints. Rebekah found it difficult at first to juggle her money and her battle with certain home comforts. Instead of charging everything to her credit cards, Rebekah now had to restrain her want for some Gucci shoes and buy more practical and affordable ones. It was Elena that taught her a few tricks.

Elena had been teaching her to cook, they would alternate between cooking, though it did depend on their work schedules. Rebekah was getting the hang of making something out of a few ingredients. It was cheaper than going to a deli or restaurant. Even when they had leftovers it wasn't wasted, it was wrapped up and left in the refrigerator.

Rebekah wasn't accustomed with a lot of things that Elena did, taking for granted the jobs of maids and housekeepers. Usually they did the laundry and cooked whatever meal she wanted, she only peeked in the fridge for fresh snacks or bottled water. But here she had to fend for herself.

She must admit that this life wasn't as terrible as she thought it would be, but it did frustrate her sometimes. One thing that had started to bug Rebekah was lying to Elena. Her new friend/roommate didn't know that she came from a wealthy family and this was just an experiment.

Would Elena end their friendship because of the lie? Would she treat her differently afterwards? It all worried her but she couldn't bring herself to reveal the truth. She wanted to wait until she was absolutely sure. Right now she would just enjoy her friendship like she would tonight.

"Lena! What time do you finish work?" Rebekah called from down the hallway.

"3 am, I get off a little earlier today. Oh and don't forget to buy some milk. We only have a little bit left." Elena replied while walking into the kitchen. They had become used to the others routines, they worked around each other so easily.

"Sure. Bonnie and Caroline said that they will see you around midnight." Elena hadn't just come to New York for a change of scenery, but all her friends and family lived in this city. She only stayed in Mystic Falls because of Jackson. His family was a founding family and they practically ruled the council even if it was meant to be a shared effort.

Tonight was a Saturday night and for Elena it was the busiest night of the week, she'd serve those that had work throughout the week and grad students who wanted to party somewhere off campus. She hardly got to spend a Saturday with her friends, but being the good friends they were, they would go to the club and spend it partying while Elena poured the drinks. If she got off early like tonight then she could join them in the fun.

She had missed her friends and shortly after arriving in New York, Elena got in touch with her best friends. Bonnie was working for the well known Mikaelson family. She worked as Finn Mikaelson's secretary. Caroline Forbes on the other hand was working for the designer Marc Jacobs. Although she hadn't met the designer herself, she was hoping to find her way up in the fashion industry.

Both seemed to be doing well considering they weren't that long out of college. Caroline had even offered to help Rebekah work for the same company as her. She was currently in the interview stage. Although she was offered an internship, Rebekah couldn't let Elena take the brunt of the rent payments, it wouldn't be fair. So she waited for a paid opening.

The four women were good friends now, even if Bonnie had an inkling that this was the same Rebekah that was part of the family she worked for. Bonnie never said anything and no one was none the wiser.


"Go Elena, have fun!" Elena's bar manager shouted from behind the bar. Elena grinned and finished the drink she was pouring for a customer. She wiped her hands on a towel and walked towards the black haired man.

"You sure?" When Elena watched him nod she kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks Damon! See you Tuesday night!" Elena walked out from behind the bar to join her friends. She could enjoy a couple of nights off. She loved her job, she hated the thought of leaving it but Elena would eventually have to.

Elena found the seating area in the corner in which her friends had placed themselves. Elena always came prepared on her nights out. She left a bag behind the bar filled with the nights clothes she would party in and some shoes. On this occasion she packed a black halter neck dress, which hugged her body. Elena matched it with some black high heels.

"Elena!!!" Caroline called as she approached the table, she quickly waved at her awaiting friends.

"Damon let me off a little earlier" Elena stated and sat next to Bonnie. The table was starting to look bare as the drinks were emptying. They typically waited for Elena before they started the night properly.

"That's because he has a crush on you and wants to see you in that hot dress!" Rebekah laughed at Elena's flushed cheeks. But the young Mikaelson wasn't wrong, her bar manager had a soft spot for her best friend and everyone could see it except Elena.

"He does not fancy me! He's just a friend. Now let's get some drinks!" Elena brushed off the comment, she didn't want to think that her boss liked her. She wasn't ready for that.

"Great lets get this party started!" Caroline cheered in excitement. All four women stood up and headed towards the bar. Elena easily summoned the bartender and asked for 8 tequila slammers and 4 Martinis. This night was going off with a bang.

They drunk the shots and downed the Martinis and ordered more. They ordered another load of drinks and then headed to the dance floor. The music was blaring, Elena and Rebekah were dancing against each other. She felt a set of hands wrap around her waist and dance behind her. She didn't care, it actually felt nice to have some strong arms want her body.

The alcohol was doing its job, Caroline and Bonnie were sandwiched between a couple of men. It wouldn't lead to anything, apparently Bonnie had a huge crush on a 'too hot to describe' guy from work. And Caroline was back and forth with Tyler, her high school sweetheart.

By the time the bar closed Elena was holding up Rebekah. Caroline and Bonnie were having a drunken animated conversation, but the plan was to head back to Elena/Rebekah's place and share the beds between them. They hailed a taxi and 15 minutes later it pulled up to the two bedroom apartment.

Caroline and Elena both helped Rebekah up the steps, but as soon as they reached the bedrooms they let go, leaving Rebekah to fall flat on her face onto her bed. They didn't bother changing or covering her, she was out judging by the snores that left her mouth.

Caroline and Bonnie took Elena's bed and Elena took the sofa. No matter how much she loved Rebekah, the girl could snore and she wouldn't get any sleep because of it. Elena grabbed a strap top to change into, leaving her lower half only in black panties.

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