Chapter 11 - Untimely Confessions and Realisations

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of this story they all belong to the writers and creators of The Vampire Diaries.

"I'm pregnant!"Hayley practically shouted happily, she saw the shock in Elijah's eyes but couldn't decipher whether it was a good or bad thing.

"Elijah say something...." Hayley stood beside the couch and nervously played with her hands as she waited for Elijah to process the information. She was worried that he wouldn't be happy and she had obviously missed what he revealed.

She watched as his face seemed to flicker with different emotions from happiness to anger and disappointment and then sadness. He wasn't hard to read for once and it seemed like he didn't care.

"How far along?" He asked quietly

"Eleven weeks" Hayley said happily, ignoring how unhappy he seemed about the news. Obvious she neglected to take in his words when she revealed the pregnancy. She was completely oblivious about what he had said.

A small smile graced Elijah's face as he slowly wrapped his arms around Hayley's body, he gently kissed her forehead.

Elijah couldn't help but feel pained about the information. When a man hears that they are to be a father they would normally jump for joy, but for Elijah it was disappointing. She wasn't the woman he wanted, she wasn't Elena and if he imagined any woman carrying his child it would be her.

He was supposed to end things with Hayley, he wanted to have his chance with Elena. The last few weeks he had spent with Elena was perfect and if he could live his life that happy then he would definitely try, but now all that hope dwindled when he heard the word 'pregnant'.

Elijah always looked forward to seeing Elena and even his family had noticed the change in him, although apart from Rebekah no one new the cause of the change. She wasn't a fling or someone to pass the time and have fun. She was his dream woman. He had come to break things off and then return to the woman he truly wanted, but things change and dreams fade away, just like this one.

When Elijah arrived, he wanted to just get the conversation over with and deal with whatever Hayley had to throw at him, but now he couldn't. Hayley was pregnant, pregnant with his child and he couldn't abandon her. He loved Elena and he always would but he couldn't leave his child. And the mere thought of leaving Hayley alone while she was pregnant would cause so much upset with his family.

When Elijah had introduced Hayley to his family, they immediately hit it off. They believed that she was good for him. His mother was so happy that one of her sons had found someone, but what she didn't know was that her son was just trying to keep her happy. He didn't like making the wrong choices and disappointing her was what he always tried to avoid, especially after Henrik his baby brother had died of cancer.

All his siblings strived to do well for their parents. They were always supportive and even if they did have strange learning techniques, just like the one they had made Rebekah do. All his other siblings had done it and Rebekah was the last one. Elijah received his trust fund just like Rebekah would. Though history's the fund had remained untouched as his parents had drilled into their heads to fight for what they want and to strive for greatness.

Their parents motto was 'Love is your greatest strength' each of his siblings all saw that when they witnessed their parents together. Even if Klaus was a product of a one night stand, he was still loved and Mikael forgave Esther for such a betrayal but he admitted that they were separated at the time and he couldn't say anything more.

So Elijah now embraced the mother of his unborn child. He would take responsibility and take care of her and his unborn baby. Even if it did hurt his heart, he wouldn't leave his child with a broken family. His parents had brought him up better than that. Though the only thing on his mind was 'how was he going to tell Elena'.

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