Chapter 1 - Change of Scenery

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Disclaimer: I do not own all of the characters in this story, the familiar names belong to the writers and creators of The Vampire Diaries.


In Mystic Falls, Virginia Elena had reached the end of her tether. She had come home once again to the place she shared with her fiancé Jackson Green.

Today was different though, she walked into her house and found things out of place. She had arrived home from work like any normal day and expected the house to be left in the same condition, only it wasn't. A few of Jackson's clothes were lying on the floor along with some other things.

A chuckle echoed through the house and Elena crept towards the direction it came from. It soon become apparent to her what was going on, mumbles and moans were filling the house and as she headed upstairs she found it coming from the bedroom, their bedroom.

Fuming with anger Elena barges into the room, knowing exactly what to expect. She watches as her soon to be ex-fiancé hastily climbs off the bed with his hands up.

"El it isn't what it looks like..." Jackson was a great looking man, he had a muscular body and it was sculpted perfectly, light brown hair and green eyes. But the only downfall, he was a jerk.

" looks like you were fucking the waitress who served us dinner last night" Elena had her arms crossed and shook her head.

She had yet again been a fool, taken back the man who broke her heart once already. But being too kind hearted for her own good, she forgave him and gave him a second chance. Well no more.

"Babe, please! she meant nothing...I love you!" Jackson tried to plead with his bright green eyes, but Elena just ignored him.

"Get out! Get out! Get out now! Both of you just leave!" Elena shouted quickly as she marched around the room throwing items of clothing at them.

She had been strong throughout the exchange, but as soon as the front door closed she crumpled to the floor crying. Tears pooled in her eyes as she tried to deal with her broken heart. She hated him and herself.

Her family had already warned her about him. The 'once a cheater always a cheater' and 'you deserve better' were all expressed. But Elena didn't believe in giving up on people and she thought that she could change Jackson, maybe there was still something redeemable in him, but he proved her wrong. He was a lost cause.

Elena didn't have much wealth, her parents died a couple of years ago in a car accident, everything they had was split between her and Jeremy. Even the family home was sold and the money was spit. It wasn't until she met her fiancé that money didn't matter.

She had met Jackson at Duke University and he promised to take care of her, this promise lasted throughout their two year relationship. He looked after the bills for their shared apartment and Elena could concentrate on her own job as an Assistant Editor for Mystic Falls local newspaper.

Elena had believed that all would be okay once he was out of her life but apparently that wasn't the case. He returned a week later with some of his belongings and a letter. It stated that he owned the house and she was an unwanted resident. It left her with no choice but to leave. She packed up her things and left, it led her all the way to the big apple.


Using the last of her savings, Elena had bought a ticket to New York and found an apartment. Finding an apartment was a little more difficult as she checked the newspaper and websites. Finally she came across one that wasn't too expensive, but the only bad thing was she would have a roommate.

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