Last Night of Secrets

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, they all belong to the writers of The Vampire Diaries.


Elijah wanted the last night to be special, he wanted to spend the evening in Elena's company before he had to reveal to Hayley the truth. But it wasn't just Hayley he had to tell, his parents wanted what was best for him and they wouldn't understand how he could leave a woman he was with for over a year and a half and throw it all away for someone he barely knew.

Sneaking around was the easy part, telling everyone was the difficult part and once his relationship was out in the open, that was it. Their would be no privacy, time together would be different from how it is now. He knew what he had to do and Elijah was prepared to do it. He did like Hayley but looking back on it now, he realised he was never in love with her. Elijah had returned back from Italy and found himself searching for someone who had vanished from his eyes.

He searched and the only person who managed to bring out any sort of happy feelings was

Hayley. She was a replacement for Elena even if he had only known the woman briefly.

So here Elijah stood in Rebekah and Elena's kitchen, he had asked Rebekah for a key so he could cook dinner for Elena. She wasn't getting back until 1am, but Elijah didn't care he would stay up even if it meant he had to go to work with only a couple of hours sleep under his belt. His sister promised to make herself scarce, after spending most of the time talking trying to convince her that he would tell Hayley the next day.

He had spent the day at the office today, dealing with clients and making lots of phone calls to arrange building companies with the new apartments they were developing in the area. The Mikaelson's didn't just sell the most luxurious apartments and houses in the area, they also helped build some one of a kind places for people to live. And if a client had a problem or certain specification then they would try to grant it. Elijah's job was to manage the clients desires and make sure they were met.

His brother Finn dealt with the finances of the company, Niklaus his other brother completed the design plans, alongside this he had a hand in the art industry. Painting was his passion and some of the display homes were filled with his work. Kol was Elijah's youngest brother, he kept the business from being forgotten. He was in charge of advertisement and making sure that they stayed at the top of everyone's go to lists.

Rebekah had yet to join the company because she was the only girl, her brothers spoilt her which allowed her not to work. When her father told her to live on her own and fend for herself, the genuine idea was for her to join the fold later on once she left had learnt a few responsibilities and independent.

Elijah's mother was on the board of the company but she was mainly going to charity evens and keeping the good name of the Mikaelson's, where as Mikael he kept everything running. He made all the big decisions. He started Mikaelson Corp. and he wasn't going to let it fail, it would be passed on to his sons, and his grandsons and so on. It would be a family run business, he didn't want to exclude the females but one day, they would marry and lose the Mikaelson name. All he wanted to do was preserve it for as long as possible.

Once Elijah finished his work, he had everything planned. He was going to cook Elena dinner and watch a movie with her. It wasn't just a dinner though, it was going to celebrate the next step. For a month they had kept their relationship to themselves and now they were marking it as serious.

Elijah had cooked the roast beef, chopped the vegetables and even left the potatoes in the oven to roast. He had set the small table. In the middle was a bottle of white wine with a dozen roses waiting in water. He played some music in the background, it was a CD of slow songs something to set the mood. Elena was due home late so he hoped he had timed it all well.

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