Chapter 4 - Dining with the Mikaelson's

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Disclaimer: I do not own all of the characters in this story, the familiar names belong to the writers and creators of The Vampire Diaries.



Elena couldn't believe it, not the fact that Rebekah, her best friend was a Mikaelson. But it was the man that had claimed a seat next to her. She never thought she would see him again. She had dreams about him, but they stayed just that. These dreams kept her company at night and filled the hole that Jackson never could.

He was here in the flesh and looking as handsome as the day she met him. Elena hadn't told many people about her encounter on holiday. Only her two best friends and the rest was for her thoughts alone. No one needed to know that she had the best time of her life. She truly felt alive even if it was brief and it was all because of that man.

Elena didn't know what to do, she had not expected this to happen at all. No matter how hard she tried to concentrate on the conversation at the table, she just kept thinking about him. She always wished that one day he would turn up at her doorstep and it seemed her wish had finally come true.

But one thought creeped into her mind, he looked a little different and he was going by a different name. Why would he lie about his name? She told him personal things...things she hadn't told anyone, not even her best friends. He was a stranger and she trusted him enough to practically expose her broken heart to him and now she finds out that he wasn't even who he said he was.

Elena was becoming more furious as negative thoughts kept building up. Elena had convinced herself that she had lost out on a true love after meeting him, but now she wasn't too sure. If it was a 'love of your life' type of reaction he wouldn't of been inclined to use a different name. He didn't even look at her with those blistering eyes, he hadn't said anything. Clearly her feelings were one sided.

A waitress had approached the table while everyone else was having a discussion. Elena didn't pay attention but assumed it was about Rebekah's life as a non privileged young woman. She was soon brought out of her thoughts when someone called her name. Turning to the voice she found Bonnie pointing her head towards the waitress.

"Oh! Sorry! I'll just have Cheeseburger with Fries and Water." She gave the menu back with a sheepish grin. Had she really just blocked out everything, now everyone knew she had something on her mind.

Bonnie leaned to Elena's ear and whispered "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine" was Elena's automatic reply. She wasn't and Bonnie knew it, but didn't push any further for which Elena was grateful.

Elena resolved to just getting this meal over and done with, she could self-loathe later at the apartment. How could she of been so stupid! Of course it was just a fling, no one falls this hard for someone after meeting them briefly. But she felt something, was she that broken and desperate that she fell for a charming man. Apparently she was and now she was just a fool. A fool to believe that he cared for her, a fool to believe that it was real.

Suddenly from her left she felt the person in question shift towards her. She felt his eyes on her and he leant in to do the same as Bonnie did not moments ago. "Is everything okay, Elena?"

That small simple question...was she okay. Well no she wasn't and for some reason Elena wanted him to know that. "No everything is not okay, JAMES!" She said through gritted teeth, anger pouring out of her and although she had meant to be discreet, another voice told her it wasn't.

"James?! Brother don't tell me you continue to use that pathetic fake name. Haha!" Kol was laughing loudly ignoring the murderous look his brother was sending him, the only thing that stopped Kol was Rebekah slapping him across the head.

"Shut it Kol" Rebekah said quickly while gazing at her other brother and Elena. She didn't know what went on but she had never seen Elena look like this. "Ow Bekah! That hurt! Was it really necessary, I mean it's not my fault Elijah's conquest couldn't handle a fling." He was again on the receiving end of another slap, only it was perfectly timed with another hand. Bonnie's.

"She's not a conquest! She's my best friend, so shut up!" Rebekah was fuming, but she remained seated and watched her brother try to wriggle his way out of this.

"Elena, I..." He started off saying but was cut off.

"Oh yeah that's my name, Elena. At least one of us was honest, something you didn't have the decency to do. Was anything you told me the truth?.." Elena asked with a broken voice, she had tears pooling in her eyes. But Elena wouldn't give him the satisfaction of crying in front of him.

"I was going to tell you" He said quickly, only to receive a shake of the head from Elena "Not good enough" Elena cleared her throat trying to muster as much strength as she could and looked at everyone else. "It was lovely meeting you all, but I seem to have lost my appetite".

Elena stood up and tried to ignore everyone's eyes that were currently watching her, she didn't want to run but she also didn't want to be in there any longer. Elena settled for a brisk walk and as soon as the cold air hit her face the tears finally released and fell down her face.


Elena was a mess, mascara had fallen down her cheek, her eyes were puffy and red. She was currently curled up on her bed, laying on one pillow with the second pillow in her arms acting as a bodyguard.

Nothing seemed to work out for Elena. She thought she found this great man, but he turned out to be an immature, cheating jerk. Jackson broke her heart after she had stayed in Mystic Falls while all her family left to brighter futures.

Her parents had died in a car accident, Jeremy her brother was with them but he managed to make it out alive. He blamed himself for the accident, claiming he was at a party he wasn't supposed to be, and after getting in a fight he had to call to be picked up. It was on the way home that the night ended in tragedy.

Jeremy seemed fine, but he had a battle with drugs. Losing your parents and feeling to blame can change a person. After getting him some help and being lucky enough to find the girl of his dreams, Jeremy was back on track.

Things seemed to get worse for Elena, but in all that chaos she kept thinking of a man that was a sounding board to her. He wasn't there for her parents death, but he listened to her rattle on about Jackson and all the problems he caused.

It took the time that she lived with Rebekah to figure out why she went back to her cheating boyfriend a second time. He was the security blanket she needed when the unthinkable happened. She was the adult now, having to look after Jeremy now that their parents were gone, she needed someone to take care of her and at that time it was Jackson. She needed him when she had no one.

Elena became comfortable with everything, She grieved for her parents and helped Jeremy get back on his feet that she never took notice of her own insignificant life. She forgave Jackson and even believed he had changed but that was all a lie. He cheated again and now that she no longer needed him, the wake up call was finding him in bed with someone else.

Another liar was in her midst and the worst part was she had trusted him with her most deepest fears and secrets. Finding out now that he was just like her ex broke her. She fell for him so easily, his kind eyes and sympathetic ear when she needed him to just listen. He was a blessing in her life at a terrible time and now she felt so small. She curled up tighter and just wished the world away.

That is how her three best friends found her. And remained to see her the same for the next few days. They told her boss that she had the flu, now they would have to put her back together.

Love Unavailable [Elejah]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora