Chapter 5 - Confused and Comfort

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Disclaimer: I do not own all of the characters in this story, the familiar names belong to the writers and creators of The Vampire Diaries.


Elena hadn't left her room in days, she ate very little. She didn't say a word to Rebekah or anyone else who tried to persuade her to come out. Elena was just in pain. It may seem strange to have a such a response to such a small thing but for Elena it was huge.

It all started in Italy, Elena had needed time to put herself back together after Jackson cheated on her the first time. She had trusted him with her heart and she had been stupid to think that this man was anything other than a playboy. But Elena couldn't help where her heart resided.

In a moment of spontaneity she booked a connecting flight to Rome, Italy. Nothing compelled her to go there, it was a random place that held no ties to anyone. She barely had time to pack, the flight was so last minute.

This was her escape, one cheating boyfriend she could handle but after a few of them she was beginning to think that she was destined to be the wife of an adulterer. She would take her time away to sort her life out and hopefully come back herself again.





Elena had currently been in Rome for two days. Two days and the stress seemed to be melting away from her. No one was there to judge or berate her on her poor choice of men. Elena was peaceful. Though even in times of peace your mind can become chaotic with nightmares and once those start they are hard to remove.

Time away was good for Elena, she was so wrapped up in her life with Jackson that she hardly noticed all her friends moving on with their lives. He was the first man that actually paid attention to her or so she thought. He made her feel wanted and special but now Elena thought it was just a game to him.

Elena could now appreciate things more. She took notice of the receptionist at the hotel she was staying, how she seemed to stare at her manager. It was the look of love. Also taking notice of an old married couple waiting around the hotel corridor, when the maids cart was left unattended they were pocketing room refreshments. Elena could only shake her head at their antics.

Finally Elena took notice of a very refined man who occupied the room across the hall. Catching a glimpse of him the day she checked into her room. She couldn't deny that he was a very attractive man wearing a tailored suit. She could only assume that he was here for business not pleasure.

It was hard not to notice after that, they seemed to be on the same clock. Leaving the hotel room at the same time later that evening and again while leaving before breakfast. Elena kept seeing him and it was becoming more of a hobby. She now saw him outside of the hotel, for some strange reason just looking into those brown eyes made her smile and feel something churn in her stomach.

Today Elena had decided to visit the famous Trevi Fountain, she had always wanted to see this place. The fountain looked more beautiful than any picture taken of it. She stood in awe as she felt a moment of reprieve from the stress of her life. It was quite refreshing to feel again.

Elena sat on the edge of the fountain and like true tradition she was preparing to throw a coin into the water behind, promising a return to this place someday. She would never turn down an opportunity to return to this serene city.

Elena was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she just held the coin in between her fingers, staring at nothing significant. She failed to notice the tall body walk up in front of her. A shadow cast down on her and the intruder finally spoke.

"You know...I don't think the fountain works if you don't throw the coin into the water" A soft male voice sounded near Elena. This sudden interruption caused Elena to gasp unexpectedly and she dropped said coin.

"I...I was distracted" Elena whispered out. A brief flush of pink reached her cheeks and she gave a timid smile to the new person invading her space.

"So I see. May I?" The handsome man nodded towards the empty space next to her. Elena lost in his eyes gaze a slow nod as she took in his question.

Elena began to chuckle a little when she watched her new acquaintance pull at his dark grey suit trousers allowing him to sit. It seemed bizarre that he would sit down on the edge of a dirty fountain in such a nice suit. With this new position she had a chance to take a good look at the 'man from across the hall'.

He had dark brown hair, with smoldering brown eyes. His jaw was strong and defined and his lips...well those were just perfection. She quickly cleared her thoughts and tried to look anywhere but at his lips. Elena couldn't stop thinking about his lips. She mentally scolded herself. When she looked at him again he was holding out a hand to her.

"I'm James"

"Elena" She took his waiting hand and shook his hand trying to hold in a gasp when she felt an electric shock.

End of Flashback




Elena thought about the first day she met James...Elijah. Whatever he called himself these days. She didn't really want to believe that she was just another notch under his belt. Elena felt something, it was brief but the feeling and electricity was there. He felt it too. It just broke her heart thinking back on it all knowing it could have all been a lie.

The deep conversations, talks of his life back at home, his family. Elena could have been seen as over reacting but he reached her soul. All her secrets and fears poured out of her. He didn't runaway, no he stayed and comforted her. This man made her feel something that she never had before.

The relief and tension that he had helped to get rid of had returned, and now it felt like everything happened yesterday. Haunting her like no time had passed at all. Her security was gone all because the person she entrusted all her dark secrets too had a secret himself.


"What do you want Elijah?" Rebekah said tiredly, she had just got in from work and wasn't in the mood to be talking to her eldest brother.

"How is she?" Elijah had turned up at his sisters apartment, hoping that he could talk to Elena and explain himself. But he was often stopped by his sister or her best friends. He didn't give up even if his attention wasn't wanted.

"Not good. You lied to her, of course she isn't going to be good. Why'd you even give a false name?" Rebekah had wanted to ask this question since the diner.

She didn't know the full story yet only that Elena and her brother had met previously, they had a fling and he put her back together. That was enough for Rebekah to understand how hurt Elena was. Her best friend didn't trust most men, string of bad boyfriends who cheated on her and one in particular that was worse than all of them.

"When Henrik died I traveled to Italy. We met there and I wanted to keep my

Identity to myself. Henrik's death was international news, youngest son of multi-billionaire Mikael Mikaelson wasn't something I wanted to talk about. I was going to tell her on the last day, but she never turned up." Elijah explained, he waited for his sister to respond.

"Give her space. It was a bad time for her, she has to work through this in her own time, not yours." Rebekah felt for her brother but she understood Elena's side as well, so she was torn between them. But she answered the best way she could that didn't hurt them both.

"Sure" her older brother kissed his sister on the cheek and left. Rebekah closer the door and looked at the hallway that currently led to the sobbing brunette.

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