We knew each other before

Start from the beginning

I looked down and noticed that willow was sleeping so I moved her to Jacksons bed and they all went down stairs, Allison then shouted don't forget your shirt I said but I have not got another one she said well looks like you are staying there till we go home. I said go to my jeep and my lacrosse hoodie is in there go and get it. Willow is about 11 months i was about to change her diaper so I took off her onesie and on her vest it said im going to be a big sister I screamed and everyone came running up and Allison said what's the matter? I said I was changing her ready for her nap and look at her vest, she had the same reaction as me she phoned James and put it on speaker and we heard James tell Lola that they know James also put the phone on speaker and I said Princess is that true? she said yes Allison said why did you not tell us face to face? because everyone does that and we wanted it to be unique. I said ok Lola then says hey Handsome I said what I know that tone of voice, Lola says James is deployed on my due date and he said for me to have you as my birthing partner, I said why can't Allison or your mother do it she said because you was there for me more than my mother and I think Allison would pass out you however it is not the first time, fine but shut up no body knows about the time you are talking about and you do know that I don't speak to her anymore right.

Lola say yes I know but she was also the one to tell me you helped her, ok I don't care any more im telling them I know that all your friends are there and James is here so I'm telling them, when Stiles was 14 we was in an after school club when this 16 year old went in to labour the paramedics was an hour away and she was dilating quite quickly so Stiles went over to her and said I know how to deliver you baby safely if you want to do it here or I can get the teacher to drive you to the hospital. She said you do it so at 14 he delivered a baby with no medical equipment when the paramedic got there they said who ever did this is amazing you done it so safely, Stiles had gone at that point he was in the locker room showering, for years I asked her was it painful and she kept on telling me only when Stiles was not touching me I was confused, later I fell and broke my arm and when he was holding my hand I did not feel pain the second he let go it was so painful. I found out that he can take people's pain away which is why on the first birth I was crying for Stiles I hope you understand now James.

So Stiles please be my birthing partner as you can take the pain and deliver the baby if I want you to. I said fine but just to let you know the girls are in laying on the floor and the boys look like they are ready to pass out. Give me a sec Lola I'm going to take the girls pain as the hit their head and the boys to stop them passing out I went over and placed my hand on the girls shoulders and took the pain away they got up fine I went over to the boys and said im sure you could stop yourselves from passing out you are werewolfs. I picked the phone back up and said ok done are you OK? she said yes now I'm going to sleep as I am shattered, i said good night and ended the phone call. I said I know i can take people pain like you but can't take my own. Now move i need to change Willow or do one of you want to they all looked at me stupid i said none of you know how to do you they all said no I said ok I will teach you I then showed them and Allison started laughing Liam asked her why is she laughing and she then said when she was first born Lola was asleep and Willow needed changing so Stiles said to James you need to change her he said he did not know how so Willows second change Stiles done as I did not know how either so Stiles taught us. I said it seems like most males don't know how to but I did help out in a child's play centre and I was a babysitter from the age of 11 to 14 so I learnt things.

I asked Allison did she get my hoodie she said yes so I took my shirt off and they all looked at me strange and I said she won't sleep unless she has a shirt that smells like someone and her mom forgot to pack a shirt so she needs mine and took the hoodie of Allison and put it on I set up the baby monitor and put pillows around her so she was caged in and we all went down stairs and carried on playing never have I ever and I said to Allison so much for us keeping this secret she said yes but know we don't have to lie to Scott as we both have a photo of Willow on our night stand, I said wait how do you know that you have never been in my room, Allison said I have Scott was locked out he could not find his key to his house but he had yours and your dad was on the night shift so we went to your and you was sleeping at Lola's but you told everyone you was sleeping at a friend's house oh yes I remember that Allison said well Scott had seen the photo and said do you and Stiles have a child together or something I said no we must have mutual friends, he never asked again. Ok i guess I can't be mad at that.

The pack was annoyed that we had never told them but then got over it quite quickly after a while It was time we left so I went to get Willow and they all asked where is she going to sleep and I said either in the cot or on my chest. I went and packed up the monitors I forgot I left one down stairs and Allison had it and told the other to listen, I said to Willow come on princess Its time to wake up you can go back to sleep at uncle Stiles house, come on it time to wake up I kept on kissing her on her forehead she then started to cry and I picked her up and said its no need for the tears uncle Stiles is here and you can go back to sleep in my house or car. I picked up the other monitor and her dummy and her baby bag and went down stairs Lydia was crying and so was Scott I said what's the matter and Derek said you are really good with children I said im guessing you heard me through the monitors Allison said yes they did i turned it up and told them all to listen Scott said you will be an amazing dad and Lydia said the same and they are crying because the have not seen you like that for years well Scott has not Lydia just though it was cute and very sweet so she is crying happy tear. I said ok well I have to go I give the bag to Scott and asked him to carry it out we all left the same time I was taking Scott and Allison home I asked them did them want to stay the night they said yes Scott said won't she be awake most of the night I said no she won't wake untill 5 for a bottle then she will go back to sleep until 10.

We got out I put her in her cot and said you can go to bed whenever you want im just going to have something to eat and make a bottle ready. They was watching a film I watched with them and then they went to bed but before they went Allison and I said we have to do this all again and also Scott thank you for being so understanding we are sorry we lied to you.

teenwolf short stories (mainly Stiles)Where stories live. Discover now