Kyoka opened her mouth, then closed it, frowning with an expression of guilt. "I.. I get it. I'm just a little worried, if his personality can change this much from transforming, just how much of Ben is still in there when he transforms into any of his aliens?"

"I can't say I get it, but I guess it's scary to think about." said Katsuki with a grumpy shrug. "You're his girlfriend though, if ya wanna be more than that in the future, ya gotta have more patience than you're showing now. A relationship isn't just about being happy, that's 30 percent of it. It's also about sacrifice, submitting to each other and honoring each other."

"That's surprisingly insightful coming from you." Kyoka said, staring at Katsuki with amazement. 

"If you tell Deku or Tennyson about this I'll kill you." Katsuki growled

"Okay, okay."

Meanwhile, Max approached the bar tender, folding his arms confidently. "Hey there friend. I'm looking for a repair man to help with a situation regarding my RV, do you have anybody in the area nearby?"

"Yeah, but the info'll cost ya. This neighborhood ain't the type of place where people just stop by, especially if it's an old geezer with a bunch 'o' kids and a-.."

The man stared at Rath as he noisily chowed down on a large plate of food.  "I'm not even gonna ask.. tha's gotta be da mos' extreme case of Animal trait quirk I've eva seen.. how old is he?"

"16." said Izuku. 

"Dannng, yep tha's a monster al'ight." said the bartender with a whistle. "So wha' you got ta offer?"

Max made to open his mouth, but at that moment the door opened. 

The strangest duo that anybody had ever seen had just entered the bar. And at first glance it was apparent they weren't human. 

Of course their odd appearances could've definitely been put down to some kind of unusual quirk, but the weapons they carried were nothing like anything that Kyoka had ever seen before. 

The larger one seemed to be holding what could only be described as a massive dark metal cannon, with various attachments, complementing its deadly look. 

The other one held what looked like a hand gun from a scifi movie. Angularly shaped, and made of a combination of metal and an artificial material that didn't quite suffice as plastic in any way. 

The both of them were dressed like American Truckers, with hats, stained overalls, and gloves. But their clothes also looked somewhat futuristic in a steampunk sense, just from the materials. 

Their faces however.. While both seemed to have human-like hair and sideburns, they had gray faces with no noses that looked like they had been carved from stone, toad-like in a sense with their large underjaws, and yellow round eyes. 

"Who.. the heck are they?" murmured Kyoka. "They're.. weird."

The skinny smaller of the duo stepped up in front of his very large cannon toting brother, holding his gun in the air, speaking in a deep voice "Now lis'en 'ear yeh folks. Da name's Octagon Vreedle, and dis 'ere's ma compatriot n' crime o' sorts, Rhomboid Vreedle.."

"Yo!.." said Rhomboid in a rather smaller quavery voice not fitting his massive size, waving a hand before aiming his cannon. "Sup?"

"We are wha' dose on dis 'ere planet migh' call Repo Men." said Octagon. "Came 'alfway across da galaxy on a job. So ooever ere has wha' dey call an Omni-torex or summat like dat, kindly step forward so we can retrieve our target."

Everyone just stared at the Vreedle Brothers in complete confusion. 

"Weirdos!" called one person. 

My Hero Academia: The Rise of Ben 10, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now