How To Summon Super Hero Demons.

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"Behold... foul brethren, I have gathered you all here today, for a ritual most dark and most foul.."

A hooded figure stood within a darkened room as several other hooded figures stood around him, a flickering light that resembled a flame hissing at the floor.

"Uh, sure, okay..?" Said one of the other figures. "Why did you call us here?"

"Behold, it hath finally come, humanity's reckoning beyond all things." the first hooded figure brought out what appeared to be a package. "In the mail this morning, the darkest of things, sent to us by the Lords of Order and Chaos."

He ripped the wrapping from the package, revealing a darkened book filled with ancient looking script upon the top cover and the spine. "Prepare thyselves brethren, for soon, we shall summon a Great Old One into our presence."

"A what now?" said another hooded figure.

The head hooded figure opened the book and spoke out in a mystical voice. "Add.. two tablespoons of sugar, stir for three minutes and-.. wait.. wha?"

Suddenly, the dark was lifted as somebody opened the window curtains with a swift movement.

"Hey!! Mrs. Jiro! Stop!"

"Oops?" Kyoka Jiro's mother smiled as she looked up from the daylight streaming through. "I'm sorry, was I interrupting your play session?"

"It's not a PLAY session!" Denki Kaminari removed his hood. "We're summoning forces beyond our control or understanding!"

"I'm not sure WHAT we're doing, or why we're wearing this crap." Ben muttered as he, Izuku Midoriya, Mina Ashido, and Kyoka Jiro removed their own hoods. "I  thought we were having a planning session for the upcoming Training camp.. which is... like.. TOMORROW."

"Well yeah, well we'd do that AFTER of course. But I finally got this in the mail today and I wanted to make some headway!" said Denki, holding up the book.  "But jeez, who thought the Neconomicon, the book said to contain instructions for summoning super powerful gods, would require, wait.. brown sugar?"

"Give me that." Kyoka snapped, grabbing the book. "Kaminari.. this is the Necro-NOMNOMNOM.. it's a cook book for Lovecraft fans."

"WHA!?" Kaminari grabbed the book and stared at the title. "Oh you have to be kidding me."

"You didn't read carefully when you were ordering it, did you?" Izuku said, raising an eyebrow. 

"AWWWWWW Kaminari-kun you said we were going to have Cthulhu totally doing our laundry by the end of the week!" Mina squealed in disappointment.

"This isn't over yet, give me a few more moments on Amazon and somebody is bound to be selling the REAL Necronomicon SOMEwhere!" said Denki. 

"I thought that book was just a made up thing in Lovecraft lore." said Kyoka. "I mean I've read Call of Cthulhu and a few other of those books, it's fiction."

"That's what they said about aliens, and now Ben's turning into them!" Denki exclaimed. 

"Well you kids can summon a dark elder god that will demolish all of humanity later, you all promised you'd meet the rest of your classmates at the mall for camp supplies today." said Mrs. Jiro. "Ben, Kyoka, the two of you haven't even gotten new swimsuits yet, you've both grown out of yours."

"Oh that's right." said Ben. "Oh and we're also meeting that new kid today."

"Yeah, that Hero Student from America who transferred here." said Mina. "What was her name again? Rainy, Rafu, Raven..?"

My Hero Academia: The Rise of Ben 10, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now