bright eyes - hoonsol

Start from the beginning

"But I think one of them was a furry, he growled at me."

"He what?!"

"I won't growl at you." The extremely handsome prince standing next to Jihoon and Seokmin offered.

"Yeah! You go Vernie! Show Hoon a great time!" Seokmin pushed the younger guy towards Jihoon as they bumped into each other.

"Oof!" Jihoon grabbed onto material he could get his hands. It was the Prince's fine material of his jacket. "Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Oh it's fine Jihoon." The guy held Jihoon up and patted his shoulder, Seokmin hooted in the background, "Go Vernie!"

Jihoon glared at Seokmin as he felt the tips of his ears burn a little, Seokmin's eyes widening as he waved and ran off. He focused back to the taller Prince in front of him. "So tell me about yourself, Vernie." Jihoon made himself stable on his feet.

"Oh, my name's Vernon, it's cute the way you say Vernie." Jihoon's cheeks burned deeply as he closed his eyes. "I live in the same kingdom as Seokmin, we actually share a birthday!" His eyes crinkled and glittered.

Jihoon was dazed, looking into Vernie's or Vernon's eyes. "Really? That's so cool, I wonder why he hasn't brought you along before now." He tugged on his own bottom lip with his front teeth.

"Oh because," A lot of noise was let out, including yelling and running "them, those are my friends, who I love, but they are very loud."

Jihoon turned his head to where the noise was coming from as there were two people tumbling over others. "Hansol!" The both of them shouted as they crowded around Jihoon and Vernon.

"Woah woah, back it up you two." Vernon made a barrier around Jihoon with his arms. Jihoon felt warmth as he shut his eyes, Vernon's chest was on his back.

"Ohh okay, then who is this?" A voice questioned and Jihoon opened his eyes to a blonde haired boy in his face. "Hello! I'm Boo Seungkwan!"

Jihoon straightened his back as he said monotonously, "Hi, I am Lee Jihoon, the Prince that is holding this courting party." He bowed as Seungkwan had a bright smile on.

"Oh you don't need to be so uptight! We can all be friends here! Except for Hans—" Vernon covered Seungkwan's mouth, tilting his head and smiling.

Vernon uncovered Seungkwan's mouth as he pointed to the boy that seemed to be Jihoon's height. "He's Lee Chan, very sentimental and sweet, but him and Seungkwan are frenemies."

Chan's eyes widened as big as globes, "Wait, you, are Jihoon?"

"Prince Jihoon."

"Prince Jihoon! My parents love you!" Chan crowded closer to Jihoon as his eyes sparkled.

"Okay okay Chan, let me take Prince Jihoon to the ballroom so I can court him." Vernon ushered his friends out and held Jihoon's hand gently.

Jihoon was led out to the ballroom, Vernon's hand was warm as they started the dance. Their feet were hitting the floor in sync as they moved in a circle with the other duos dancing. The area seemed so safe as he danced along, he didn't notice Vernon was staring at him until he saw his bright eyes.

Vernon looked away as Jihoon giggled, the younger looking back at him with a smile. The dancing ceased as they were panting, Vernon moved closer to Jihoon as they held hands.

"You're adorable." Jihoon blushed as Vernon chuckled, "No kidding! You really possess an abundance of beauty."

"You flatter me Vernon."

"Hansol, you can call me Hansol." Vernon—Hansol spoke as Jihoon nodded.

"Okay Hansol, you're really flattering and eye candy."

"Jihoon! How could you say that!" Vernon blushed and covered his face.

"Because it's true."

"Wait, you don't mind if I just call you Jihoon? Not Prince Jihoon?"

"Yeah, you're fine, I like you."

"What?!" Vernon's eyes bulged out as his cheeks were flushed red.

"Jihoon! Hurry! Vernon's waiting at the arch!" Seokmin ushered Jihoon from the mirror since Jihoon had spent the last ten minutes checking himself to see if he looked as perfect as Vernon described he was when they first met.

Jihoon placed his hair in specific places as his hair was now bleached gray. "C'mon Jihoon!" Seokmin helped him as he walked Jihoon to the arch. Vernon seemed as ethereal as ever, his eyes were shining so bright, a shade of deep brown shimmering.

"Chwe Vernon, do you take Lee Jihoon in your arms to be wed in a beautiful marriage of two kingdoms?" The priest asked, turned to Vernon as Jihoon's palms were sweaty.

"I do."

"And Lee Jihoon, do you take Chwe Vernon in your arms for warmth and safety for the marriage of two kingdoms?"

"I do."

"Then you two may share the kiss of two lives intertwined."

Jihoon quickly wrapped his arms around Vernon's neck, pulling him closer to him as they kissed, their lips melding together under the heat of the sun.

you guys have read the happy ending of this oneshot! the angst ending will come up next!!

and happiest birthday to seokmin and vernon!! 218 bros! i hope you two spend your birthday in delight!

Angst Ending - Timeskip + TW death

Jihoon sobbed into Seungkwan's shoulder, who was also getting choked up. How could this happen? Jihoon cursed the universe, how could they take his Sun away from him?

Vernon had passed away in a battlefield between a larger and stronger kingdom. Jihoon had urged him not to go and stay by his side. "I wouldn't be a good king if I didn't fight alongside my kingdom."

Jihoon hated that Vernon was right. He was right, always, normally and morally. Jihoon sniffled as he stared at his pale corpse. Hands folded together around his stomach, he looked at peace. Jihoon examined Vernon's body, a nasty bloody wound covered by his arms.

He looked so at peace, that's what Vernon always wanted, Jihoon moved closer as he saw his eyes, his auburn eyes that were faded. Where his bright eyes once were shining and shimmering.

Goodbye, my brightest star, Vernon. Jihoon felt his cold body before he blacked out, how could he live without the other?

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