take a walk - vercheol

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a vercheol request!!

It was a rest day for all of the members, Vernon had been doing a routine of eating, napping, waking up (and maybe snacking), and then going back to sleep for the past few days. They finally got to rest from their packed schedules as most members went back home for the holidays.

Vernon just wanted to just relax, he decided to take a walk in the park. But just before that, he'll check on all the rooms (including studios) to make sure all of the members are situated. He strolled past the dorm rooms, seeing Junhui laying on his bed trying to avoid a phone falling flat on his face.

Vernon stifled a laugh as he grabbed a juice box from the kitchen and broke the straw from the box. Poking a hole in the top and sipping in the juice box. The last room to check was the infamous Universe Factory. He peeked his head through the crack in the door to find Jihoon napping on the couch, the television buzzing with noise as the bottles of cola laid on the coffee table.

Thank god Jihoon was resting, he was a bit of a workaholic, so Vernon couldn't help but feel a tinge of worry for the older.

Now off he goes, Vernon opened the door, plugging his earbuds into his ears and just
put on a playist. He'd decided to walk to the Han River and maybe watch the landscape before heading back.

The leaves crisped as they were curling into each other. The little hiss of the leaves crunching under the soles of his feet were satisfying. A whoosh of wind blew by his sideburns as he felt the wind through his eyelashes.

Vernon was certainly bundled up, a scarf, a puffy jacket, sweatpants, and boots to top it off. He just let his mind space out while walking down the streets and to the river.

He didn't notice someone was calling for him until they tapped his shoulder. Vernon jolted a little at the touch. "Hansol-ah! I've been calling your name forever and you didn't hear"

He was met with a Seungcheol. Not any Seungcheol. Choi Seungcheol who was walking his dog, Kkuma. Choi Seungcheol whose chapped lips were shaped into a pout. Choi Seungcheol who was also bundled up in layers of coats. Kkuma mirrored her father with her front pieces of hair clipped up and at least two tiny dog coats.

"Oh, sorry." Vernon gave a small grin as Seungcheol pout flashed into a grin. "Don't be sorry! I was just worried you weren't aware you were about to walk straight into the river." Seungcheol squeezed the younger's shoulder to point at the Han River.

He nodded, "Oh! I really zoned out," a smile creeped onto his lips as Seungcheol watched intently (not in a creepy way). His eyelashes fluttered as Kkuma was gazing up at her dog dad.

"Anyways, Cheol, what are you doing here?" Vernon asked as Seungcheol's brows creased as his lips were in a pout but angled to the left. His eyes were looking up as if he was thinking why he went here. "Oh! I was here to walk my precious daughter and we saw you."

Seungcheol responded as he dove down to scoop Kkuma up into his buff arms and kiss her fluffy cheeks. "Should we bring you back to the dorms? Also, how are the others?"

"No I'm fine, and the rest are doing okay, Minghao's on his mediation schedule, Jun's on his phone, Jihoon's cooped up in his studio, and it's usually me and Shua watching TV. How about you? How was your days?" He licked his far too dry lips as Seungcheol huffed.

"Me and Kkuma will bring you back to the dorms anyways! My days were great, I got to be with family and Kkuma! But there's no place like home." Seungcheol puffed up his cheeks as he hooked his left arm with Vernon's right arm and directed the pair to the dorms.

"But? Aren't you home already?" He tilted his head as he unplugged his earbuds already and shoved them into his jacket pockets.

"I was talking about you, goof." Seungcheol rolled his eyes fondly as he leaned to press a kiss to Vernon's way too cold cheek. "You're
my home."

Vernon felt heat wiggle onto his cheeks through the icy cold autumn as he made up a panicky excuse. "Not in front of your daughter!" He held out his free hand in front of the clueless Kkuma's eyes.

"Hey! She'll have to get used to it. You're
my Hansol." Seungcheol patted Kkuma's hair that was sticking out at the edges back as he placed her on the floor. "Also, we haven't gave or got enough affection from each other." Seungcheol held the other's freezing cold face in his hands and leaned into Vernon.

He kissed Vernon as Vernon had a thought running through his mind.

How did he have enough trust to let Kkuma loose without holding the leash?

"She's a good girl, Hansol-ah." Seungcheol picked up Kkuma's leash as he looped it around his hand.

"Did I say that out loud?" Vernon questioned as his eyebrow quirked.

"Yes you goof, but my goof. Now let's get you back to the dorms, you must be freezing." Seungcheol linked their arms once again.

They paced down the empty streets and down to their dorm building. Seungcheol waited outside the dorm enterance as Vernon whipped around. "You aren't coming inside? I bet Joshua could play with Kkuma while we talk." He offered as the older shook his head, dimples poking out of his bread-like cheeks.

"Let's just say, this visit's just for my love." Seungcheol winked, leaving a blushy Vernon as he walked with his daughter in his arms.

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