your biggest fan - cheolsoo

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- A/Nan idol!joshua and fan!seungcheol fanfic! the pairing was requested and i finally got to writing it!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

- A/N
an idol!joshua and fan!seungcheol fanfic! the pairing was requested and i finally got to writing it!

Seungcheol loved the feeling of concerts. Especially a certain group with Joshua Hong, he did a multitude of things. Seungcheol loves the way he speaks, his smile, and his singing voice. He pretty much adores everything Joshua has to offer.

He dragged his lifelong friend, Mingyu along to the concert Joshua's band had since they were bored out of their mind. They might've ditched their classwork for this, but it was worth it.

"Woooo Shua!!" Seungcheol cheered along with his idol's other fans as he started to dsnce to the music. Mingyu just watched him like he was crazy and then cheered along. Mingyu got clearly see Joshua since he was taller than everybody else.

Good thing they were in first row, Joshua started a song as his fans started their cheer loudly for him. Since it was his solo part of the concert. Joshua was the main character and Seungcheol loved it. Joshua's motions fit so well and his emotions were displayed just by his facial expressions.

Near the end, around two hours later, Seungcheol coughed, he screamed a bit too much. He thinks Joshua is looking at him though, taking small glances before but now staring at Seungcheol he doesn't know if he should be scared or love it.

"See you guys later our Enchants!" The group was finished with their concerts after the very tiring encore.

"Bye!" Seungcheol grinned and waved at as many members he could. Mingyu just had a small smile on, so he did enjoy the concert.


No way this was happening right now. Seungcheol was sitting in front of Joshua Hong. At a fast food place. Joshua's tired eyes said everything, "The concert was draining hut so exciting." The idol genuinely grinned and his eyes shaped into crescents and Seungcheol would just thank whoever for Joshua's existence.

"That's good." Seungcheol was stiff as ever, he was in front of his idol, the one he loves so much. Joshua probably noticed as he bursted out in a small giggle and Seungcheol slowly relaxed. "Don't be so stiff, I just want to talk with you."

"Why?" Seungcheol was puzzled onto why Joshua would even be worried about him, or why he even caught Joshua's eye.

"Because you were screaming a lot for the two hours, I was getting worried."

Seungcheol felt himself heating up. Joshua heard him? Was he that loud? He hid his face and Joshua just laughed, holding onto a part of Seungcheol's bicep. "No come back— Wow, you're buff."

Seungcheol sudden had a burst of confidence blow up within him as he smirked. "Yeah, I've been working out, what about you? You're definitely a lot buffer this year than last." He winked and he saw Joshua blush, smiling a shy smile.

"Yeah, training with the others was hard, but it's easier since we're all best friends and basically family." Joshua rambled as Seungcheol nodded along. He loved listening to Joshua's voice, he just zoned out while the other's voice flowed in his ears like a melody.

"Yeah, and at the concert, are you okay? Because you were cheering a whole lot." Joshua scrunched his eyebrows in concern as Seungcheol just nodded. "I'll do anything for SVT!" Seungcheol declared at the fast food restaurant as Joshua just covered his smile with his mouth.

"Oh no, don't do that! Your smile's so pretty." Seungcheol complimented and pouted as he pulled Joshua's hands off of his mouth. "I like it a lot."

Joshua found the table more interesting as he stared into it. Seungcheol felt timid, shy, like he was a kid with a crush again. He slightly reached for Joshua's hand until Joshua pulled his hand away before Seungcheol could come in contact with it.

"I have to go, my schedule's pretty packed after this. I'll see you when I text you." Joshua revealed his bunny teeth before he pulled his mask on and hoodie over his head. Eventually leaving to his black SUV which probably had his driver waiting.

Did Seungcheol get Joshua's phone number? Absolutely. How? He has no idea how he didn't just ascend into the heavens just then.

Seungcheol slumped on the red plastic chair and let out a sigh of happiness.


Seungcheol held Joshua by his torso as he pressed his lips onto Joshua. Joshua just murmured words with a smile as he kissed back. He tasted like cherries on a hot summer's day. The condensation droplets falling off of the cherries, making the picnic blanket wet. That how Seungcheol felt right now.

He felt his idol's hands slightly caressing his biceps and Seungcheol couldn't help but giggle into the kiss a little. "You have a thing for biceps, don't you?" Seungcheol questioned as he saw Joshua's cheeks flush and his eyes flutter. Like butterflies in slow motion. Everything felt unreal.

How he was on Joshua now, kissing him, his earthy scent covered by light sprays of cologne. Which was long gone, worn out by the day of working on concert days and more. This was Joshua's rest period, or his group's resting period. Joshua would constantly visit Seungcheol ever since their first meeting.

"Yes? What do you—" Seungcheol was so much more than stunned, he was star struck. Why was his idol here? In his house? "I really liked our last meeting, and since SVT is on a break right now.. I figured we can hang out." Joshua leaned on the doorway before Seungcheol let him in. "Y-Yeah sure."

"C-Cheol." He heard Joshua mumbling as he nodding with a grin. Probably to his question of his bicep kink. "Yeah, but for your biceps." Joshua winked before Seungcheol let out a cackle which shocked the both of them (even though Seungcheol was the one who did it).

"Can we date?"

"Huh?! Date? Uh.." Seungcheol felt like he was overheating as Joshua just stared af him with round eyes like a month old cat.


"Dating? Uh.." Seungcheol felt his brain wiring shortcut before he nodded. "Yeah of course! But if it's too much on you, don't feel bad to break up if it's too stressful to hide it from everybody.."

"Why would I? You don't deserve that Cheol." Joshua brought a hand to the other's cheek as he stroked it softly. His hand was so soft, it felt like one of those dream pillows.

Seungcheol didn't even realize he was leaning into the other's touch before Joshua pulled his hand away and giggled at the way Seungcheol's head was positioned. "Hey!" He pouted with his light, dusty pink lips as Joshua showed his teeth even more.

"You owe me more affection now." Seungcheol huffed as Joshua laughed along, cupping his face before pressing a kiss onto it. "Now get back to your group before they get suspicious.. "You're in my car and kissing me."

"Ohh.. Yeah. Right. See ya Cheol!" Joshua did a slight hand motion and left.

Seungcheol slumped back in the car seat. He was freaking the fuck out. He just got asked out by Joshua Hong. The guy of godly visuals and heavenly vocals the heavens would envy..

He slapped his face with his hands before accidentally squirming around and honking his car.

Honk! Honk!

That's how Seungcheol's heart felt.

seventeen oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن