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"Okay okay, you," Seungkwan pointed at Seokmin with his finger "are going to tell us why the hell you have a tall dark and handsome guy in your dorm room!"

He watched as the stranger played with his dog. "Also give me him back." Seungkwan snatched Bookkeu from the guy's lap and held his dog close.

Seokmin chewed on his bottom lip, thinking of what response he could concoct without it sounding like it's from a fairytale. He watched Mingyu's antennas wilt once again since Seungkwan took Bookkeu away.

"But really, you suddenly have the man next to you and we didn't know?" Soonyoung got up to take a seat next to Mingyu, making Mingyu sit in the middle of Seokmin and Soonyoung with Seungkwan across from him and glaring.

"Ohh, thank you!" Mingyu smiled with his lips as he did a slight bow, his antennas bowing along with his body. "You are very kind." Mingyu goes to hold Soonyoung's hands with both hands and grin again.

"Wo-woah? He's so nice? Where'd you find this guy Seok?" Soonyoung blushed at the apples of his cheeks as Seokmin frowned slightly.

"Hey! Don't you like Jihoon?"

"Maybe, maybe not." Soonyoung made a thinking face as Seokmin shoved him from over Mingyu's lap.

"Hey! Don't do that when the God is right here!" Soonyoung warned as Seokmin rolled his eyes.

"He is not a God! He's just Mingyu." Seokmin sat back while Mingyu turned his head to whoever was talking.

"I sense frustration from you, Lee Seokmin" Mingyu blinked with his round eyes, his antennas straight as a ruler as they glowed purple. He tried to pat Seokmin's shoulder as the older just shook his hand off.

Mingyu's shoulders sagged as his eyes were sparkling, his antennas falling over themselves as they were blue. "Hey Mingyu, Seokmin's a bit mad right now. What about me and Seungkwan take you outside?" Soonyoung offered.

The alien jumped up from the chair as he smiled with his pearly white teeth, holding both of Soonyoung's hands with a squeal. "A outside? That sounds fun! Like riding Snobbubs on field!" Mingyu cheered while vibrating with excitement, his antennas bright yellow as he heated up.

His hands stinging Soonyoung's as the older hissed. "Ouch, what was that?" Soonyoung pulled his hands away while flailing them in the air.

Seokmin's eyes bulged out of his head as he realized, Mingyu's hands probably heated up. He shot up while grabbing Mingyu and spinning him towards his room. "Oh, Mingyu has to go! He needs to water the sink!"

"Water the—That doesn't make sense Seokmin!" Seungkwan shouted fro the other side of the door as Seokmin and Mingyu were in the older's room.

"Why do you do that?" Mingyu tilted his head as Seokmin held onto Mingyu's shoulders, the younger being pressed on the door.

"Gyu, you can't do things like heating and your little thingys!" Seokmin gestured at Mingyu's antennas.

"You're yelling.." Mingyu huffed, shrinking again as Seokmin held his shoulders.

"No! I'm not mad! I just, you can't be revealed as an alien, alright? I'll try to get you to your home planet or—Why are you crying?"

Mingyu's tears were streaming down his face, but it was strange, not like human tears. There were iridescent specks in the tears, reflecting to make a purple glow from them. Seokmin panicked, what the hell is this?! He quickly wiped Mingyu's tears. "No no don't cry okay?"

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