android - cheolhao

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a cyberpunk! cheolhao au nobody asked for!! i've been too busy playing genshin impact so i've been updating way less than i should be

The ding! of the doorbell overhead of Seungcheol seemed so familiar to him. He would go here often, when Minghao was present in his life. He looked at the shop that Minghao managed a while ago. The metals were tainted with rusted coats and the papers tacked on the wall were browning. It's been a few months, to say the least.

Seungcheol felt ache in his arm, the metal one. He had a human arm, with all the flesh and stuff, but then his right arm was blown off in an illegal car racing accident so Minghao built him an entire fully functioning arm.

Since his arm repair, he'd been visiting Minghao at the shop daily, he was used to the painfully bright and buzzing neon lights. They were now dimmed or the majority of them were shut off. Seungcheol hobbled his way ocer to the stool he would put his weight on when Minghao would lube up his metal joints.

He just slouched, he had no idea where Minghao was. The most recent update he got about Minghao was from his and Minghao's mutual friend (more like kid brother), Chan. He had alerted Seungcheol that Minghao was abducted by the WJ, a society where they would take the most intelligent engineers that they could find.

That's why most engineers are either hiding in plain sight or hiding very well, making it even harder for Seungcheol to find someone to help make little improvements to his robotic arm. He just exhaled, not even knowing he was holding his breath. He missed Minghao so dearly, but then there was pieces of evidence that made him question if he was really abducted or not.

Seungcheol bursted through the tiny shop, the fresh smell of oil and metals hitting his nostrils immediately. His eyes scanned the area to find his favorite smartass. His bouncy posture soon ceased, he walked up to the counter, seeing a note left for him.

Dear Seungcheol,
I am leaving. Goodbye.

Seungcheol placed the paper back where he found it as he shrunk. He panicked, what was he supposed to do? The human whipped his head around, the shop just looked as lively as ever. Just no Minghao was present. Maybe he left recently? He could catch up to him!

Seungcheol's searches for Minghao led to nothing. He begged Joshua and Jihoon to help him find his favorite person. Technically half a person? Minghao was human, flesh, bones, heart and all that good stuff. But he was tested and constructed as a newborn to have robot features as well.

The ding! of the doorbell behind Seungcheol seemed so familiar. Wait. Seungcheol turned his body around with a woosh of air. Minghao! His face upturned in an instant, the serotonin in his veins were buzzing with anticipation as his mouth was garnering a smile.

How did he smile back then? It doesn't feel right when he smiles now. Seungcheol panicked, how was he going to give Minghao a welcoming smile if he couldn't even remember how to smile?!

"Woah relax, you look terrifying. A hunk, but a terrifying hunk." The melody of Minghao's voice didn't match up with the Minghao he remembered. Seungcheol stared as he realized, this wasn't Minghao. This was Jeonghan. That conniving, sly, son of a bitch that Minghao was surprisngly friends with.

"Yoon Jeonghan!" Seungcheol dashed towards the younger with the speed of an Olympic sprinter. "Do you know about Minghao's whereabouts?!" His robot arm gripped onto Jeonghan's shirt, a mere seconds from ripping the collar part off.

"Woah woah. Hold on, I know where he is. But stop grabbing me by the shirt, how would you like it if I told Joshua? You're suspending me in mid-air right now." Jeonghan had wings that spouted from his back, they were partly created by metal scraps, but that's pass the point.

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