my cloud prince - junhao & meanie

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Cloud prince. Junhui is the prince of the skies. Literally everyone loves him. From little kids that adore him as a superhero to elders who think he is their guardian. He is the sweetheart of the skies, he takes care of everybody to make sure his cloud capital is safe.

Thunderstorm prince. Minghao is the prince of the darkness. Most civilians fear of getting in his way. Last time somebody tried to fight him, he fried them with lightning and sent them down to Earth. He doesn't mind being alone. Being alone helps Minghao heal from his scars and wounds from when he was younger.

Junhui has a friend named Wonwoo. He is the best cloud angel in town, next to Jihoon of course, but Junhui didn't think that Jihoon was that angelic. Maybe it was because he didn't know Jihoon that well. Wonwoo is a very nerdy angel. He makes sure that everybody is fed before he eats. He can't bare to see people starving as he has the luxury of eating food.

He loves reading books and Wonwoo loves adventure. Sometimes Junhui is there to stop him from adventuring too far into the clouds. One time, Wonwoo almost fell into the Thunderstorm Kingdom, right below the Cloud Kingdom. Wonwoo likes sending letters around to everybody. He loves when he gets replies saying he was angelic and was the best. He really was, after Junhui. He sometimes felt lonely, even with Junhui helping him.

Wonwoo felt like he was a burden to Junhui and he wanted to leave parties Junhui would throw, because all eyes we're on the entertainer, Junhui. Junhui has way more confidence that Wonwoo. He tries to get help from Junhui, but he just can't bring himself to flirt with others and be confident about himself.

"Hey Wonwoo!" Junhui chirped as he entered Wonwoo's small cottage that he always was in during his free time.

Junhui thought it was too crammed, but Wonwoo thinks that it feels cozy and warm. Junhui tip-toed and peered over Wonwoo's shoulder to find him just drawing. "Whatcha sketching there Won?" Junhui asked as Wonwoo jumped and squeaked.

"Hey! Don't be so close without saying anything!" Wonwoo scolded the other and covered his picture. "This drawing means nothing, no crush, no ideal type, no nothing!" Wonwoo blushed as he covered picture to where Junhui tried to see it through the back of the page.

Junhui felt that the drawing Wonwoo drew didn't mean nothing, it meant something.
He quickly nodded and said his goodbyes to Wonwoo as he dashed to the archives of the Cloud Kingdom, he searched every file of everybody who lives here currently. Nobody. He felt like that face was familiar.

Junhui went back to Wonwoo, out of breath as he saw Wonwoo letting go of the paper, the wind picking it up and deciding where to send it.

Junhui didn't pay attention to the paper once it flew, he just went and pulled Wonwoo back from the edge as he went to his regular work.

The wind decided to have romance bloom

Minghao groaned as the early sun rose and shined right into his face, the rays reflecting off of his sweat, it glowing. He immediately flung up and sat on his bed. The sweat glistening off his forehead as he breathed. A soft knocking at the door then a tall figure bursts into the room.

"Didn't I tell you to-"

"But I did! You didn't answer!" Mingyu whined as he cut Minghao off, Minghao giving him the death glare from a few feet away. The taller went to sit on the bed.

"You okay Hao?" Mingyu asked as Minghao's shirt was noticeably drenched in sweat. Minghao didn't reply as he got up and replaced his old shirt with a new one.

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