protect you - wonchan

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this is set in a timeline of magic where the lee brothers have the greatest power..
Also TW // manipulated self harm

The three royal princes had stopped using their powers that everyone had possessed since they were a child, but only theirs were the strongest form of the power. Chan had experienced someone die because of the power and didn't want to cause any harm to anybody. But their parents had other plans for the younger. The more young the chance of gaining more power had their parents do bad things to all of them. Jihoon had always been more protective of the younger ones, shielding them and their eyes from the scene of their parents beheading an innocent citizen for dissing one of them.

The harsh words from the citizens were fine to the princes, but the action of their parents were not. Jihoon had winced after seeing the head just lay there, on the concrete stone, as housekeepers rushed in to bring the head to the loved ones. It was cruel, but it was their parents' message of not to mess with them. Seokmin had made the mistake of turning his head, once they got back to their quarters, he was traumatized. Sobbing uncontrollably as he was the emotional one of the trio. Chan hugged his brother and nodded, trying to console him.

"It isn't fair! He only shared his opinion and he got the worst punishment, worse than robbers do!" He sniffled as Jihoon grabbed a handkerchief, wiping the other's nose of the snot as Jihoon looked up at him. "Your snot is everywhere, let's clean it up before they think that you're, snotty." Jihoon said the lame joke, but it was funny to them, so the three of them shared a laugh. Before a voice echoed from their quarter door. "Chan? It's Wonwoo." His deep voice hushed since the queen and king were strict about who came in and out of their sons' quarters.

Jihoon got up, striding towards the wooden door and opening it, closing it and laying on the rug. "We have a few hours until we have to go to 'tutoring' for our powers. It's been months since we made our oath not to, I'm proud we've been holding up, nothing bad has happened yet." He spoke with a slight pride in himself. Chan felt a bubble of guilt in his lungs, something would have to happen soon, he would be afraid it would happen to him. But at least he had Wonwoo by his side.

Wonwoo had taken a seat by him on the bed, his metal armor clanking as Jihoon and Seokmin continued talking. "How are you Prince?" He asked the youngest as Chan couldn't help but smile, "You don't have to call me that Wonwoo, we're dating." He giggled as Wonwoo's face flushed red. He had reached out his hand to hold Wonwoo's cold hand before another voice echoed. "Prince Chan, report to the queen's quarters." That very voice was one of the younger housekeepers, Yoon Jeonghan. The one that Chan swore Jihoon had a crush on by the way Jihoon would glue his eyes to the man with longer hair.

Seokmin on the other hand, loved to be in the kitchen. Chan knew exactly why, it was because a certain someone with round cheeks and a cute smile was working as the chef. Kwon Soonyoung, the reason why Seokmin always requested food from the chef. Chan didn't know how the queen and king weren't suspicious on why their son ordered so much food but still looked ad thin as ever.

"Okay!" Chan responded to Jeonghan's call, snapping out of his thoughts by Wonwoo's cold touch and his whisper, "Come back soon okay?" Chan nodded as he looked into the other's sharp eyes, bringing his lips to kiss the guard's cheekbones as he stood. Pacing out the door with his hands behind his back, he started to sweat through his uniform. He soon approached his mother's headquarters and knocked.

"Queen Jae-hwa?" Jeonghan had called his mother as Chan hid behind Jeonghan. He had quickly become of the queen's favorite housekeepers, assigning him to clean Jihoon's room often. The queen had opened the door, thanking Jeonghan and wishing him out as she allowed Chan to walk into the quarter.

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