we sat down in the shade of the roof, "jax what the fuck are we doing here" i asked him with a laugh. "i wanted to talk to you but i diddnt want to do it in the open incase someone u diddnt want to know here" he said,  what the fuck was he talking about, i looked at him confused for a second telling him to continue.

"bailey whats the real reason you wont take the jumper off, i could see how warm you were getting. you dont have to tell me but i want to help you. i wont tell anyone dont worry"

(this might be a trigger warning, talks about SH scars)

i sat in silence and took some deep breaths. I diddnt want to open up but Jax made my feel safe almost like he undersood what i had been through. I felt like i could trust him, wich was somthing that diddnt ushally happen with me.

I pulled up my sleve to reveal some scars on my arms, alot of them were from what happened with mason but you could clearly tell there were a few self inflicted ones too. They were old scars but even ally diddnt know about them.

"awh Bay" Jax said as he pulled my into a hug "do you wanna talk about it?" he ask i nodded my head and begun my story by telling him that most of them were from mason, wich made him visibly angry.

"it was before Ally started at my school and i had no one, i was argueing with my mum about my pills all the time and people were mean to me at school. well they still are but- i just diddnt know what to do anymore so yeah" he held my hand as i told him but it diddnt make me uncomfertable.

"Bay all of us have scars, from fights and stuff. just because you did some of yours to youself dosen't make it any differnt" he said trying to make me feel better, he lifted up his shirt to reveal a long scar across his back it was arround 10 inches long and whent streight down. "how did you get that!" i asked suprised.

"i was in a fight and the dude decided to paly dirty, someone shot him after that" how did he jsut say that like it was nothing "does Abe know about your's" he asked, that was a good question because i diddnt really know.

"i mean we whent swimming but it was dark out so i have no idea, unless he saw them when i got out of the hospital but he probbaly thought they were all from mason" i basicly thought outloud there.

He just nodded his head "its up to you what you do bay. just know you can always talk to me" i felt safe arround him, it was wired he was comferting in a friendly way.

(end of potential tw. ill put what was said at the end)

"enough of this sad shit im hungry bruva" he said in a terrible british accent making me laugh. "never do that ever again bruva" i said.

we walked back to the hose and into the living room where sam and kyle were sitting waching sponge bob "you guys really like sponge bob to say your all nairly 20" causing them all to laugh.

"im fucking starving what are we doing"  Jax said as we sat down. "why dont we go out out for food and go to a club" Kyle suggested. "im sorry to ruin your fun but im 17, theres no way im gonna get let in a club" i said feeling bad that i was going ot ruin their fun.

"oh trust me if you with us it wont be a problem" sam said. mabie being friends with people in a gang is good after all "count me the fuck in then. you all go and get ready then we can go to mine and ill get ready. my mum is on another trip so its fine" they all agreed and whent to their rooms to get ready to go to the club. 

After 15 minuets of me waiting all the guys came downstairs one by one untill they were all ready and before i knew it we were driving to my house.

the 4 of us got my my house and jacks car was on the drive "oh jacks home hes prolly got a hangover from last night" sam said making us all laugh what he said was probbaly very true.

we walked into the house and heared jacks tv playing upstairs "JACK I STOLE YOUR FRIENDS" i shouted up the stairs. "yeah she is way more fun than you to be fair" Jax said making everyone laugh as jack came running down the stairs.

he walked into the living room and dove on the sofa wearing sweatpants and no shirt.

(sam called jack and told him what happened to bailey in the morning btw)

"Hay sis, you good?" he asked. "yep im fine, just a creep. i would be a lot better if you put a sirt on tho-"

"were going partying and for food bruva are u comming or has your hangover killed you off" kyle said. "no way man im out. and theres no way your taking bailey to the club are u crazy"

"whatt, dude so not cool. im fine with them" i said to him im a winey voice. "yeah bruva you know we will look after her. we wont even give her alcahol" jax said winking at me, letting me know he was lieing about the no alcahol thing from across the room where he leaned againsed the door frame where Jack couldnt see him.

"and how many clubs had you been to when you were 17" kyle said. "okok she can go just talk quietly my heas still hurts. and dont leave her for one second" he inally agreed and as soon as he did i ran upstairs to my room to get ready.

My room was still a mess from when Grace came over but i diddnt care. I walked over to my closet and spent probbaly as long as all of the guys took to get ready just to choose my outfit.

I finally decided on:

(the ring in the middle is the one that abe gave her

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(the ring in the middle is the one that abe gave her. i've finally found a refrence that is similar to what i imagine)

I was actuly exited for something for the first time in ages. When i was with the gang i never felt alone like i had for all thoes years. Jax was basicly my new bestfiend, i just loved his personality he makes everything fun.

I finished my look by putting my hair in a high pony tail with the front peices pulled out to frame my face. I put my shoes on and ran downstairs to the guys. "finally, why do girls take so long to get ready my god" jax said making me laugh. "hay! it takes effort to look this good" he held his hands up in surrender. "she does have a very good point. she do be lookin good" jack said, it would have been wired if he wasnt my brother.

"oh my god can we go im gonna starve to death if i dont eat soon bro" Jax said with everyone agreeing. I grabbed my phone and purse and threw it in my small bag and we were all ready to go have fun.


(If you couldn't read because of the triggers)

Basicly Bee showed Jax her scars and said she did it before she met ally. Even Ally dosent know about them. They figured out Abe dosent know about them as it was dark when they went swimming. Jax shows her his scar from a fight and told her they all had them and hers were no difrent.

Hi everyone! I hope you are all well.

Jax and Bee ate getting to be really good friends which I think will be good for her.

What do you think of the frequent updates tehe

i know i know not alot is happening but thease parts are important to include, to show how her relationships with the gang is growing.

I promise i'll make the next chapter with them at the club VERY interesting and maybie eventful tehe

~love ya

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