The proposal

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  Chapter 33

Author's POV

Next day come so soon for Manya. Sehgal family was doing preparations for the day but here Manya was sitting in her room unaware of the situation. She was getting ready in the dress given by her mother. She thought it's some party or a get together with someone close. But she didn't know that her life was going to change after today. She got ready in sometime and went to garden where the whole family was sitting.

She went there and stopped at some distance when she noticed someone who was staring at her with an emotion that she doesn't know. Arhaan.

Arhaan was lost in her beauty. She was looking so good in a bottle green anarkali. She was looking beautiful in her simple attire.

Arjun went and hugged Manya's left shoulder and Manya instantly looked at Arjun who smiled and gestured her to come with him. She nodded and Arjun took her and brought her close to Arhaan.

Manya stood there clueless. Shobha came towards her and hugged her. "I'm so happy for you both. You brought so much happiness in our life Manya. I'm so happy that you are going to be my daughter. We will always keep you happy, I promise you that." Shobha said to Manya while holding her hand.

Manya looked confused with the words that she heard. She looked at her family. All happily looked at Manya. Deepika came to Manya and kissed her forehead. I'm happy for you. Arjun took a great decision for you and I'm happy that you accepted the proposal." Said Deepika.

"What proposal you're talking about, mom?" Asked shocked Manya.

"Decision Of getting married to my bhai, bhabi." Said khushi with enthusiasm and kissed Manya's cheek.

Manya shockingly looked at everyone. She couldn't control her emotions and with teary eyes she left from there. All unknowingly looked at her retreating figure.

"I'm sorry, she doesn't know about the proposal, that's why she reacted that way. I will bring her back, wait for sometime." Said Arjun and stepped forward to follow Manya but Arhaan stopped him.

"I will talk to her." He said and went to her room. He knocked at the door that was half open. Manya was laying on her bed and crying with hiccups. Arhaan's heart shrunk looking at her but he composed himself.

"Manya" he called, in response Manya stopped sobbing for some time and stood up while facing opposite side from Arhaan.

"I know you're not happy with the decision but trust me Manya I really want to marry you. I know you don't like me now, after that incident and after what I did to you. But please forgive me and give me a chance to rectify my mistake. I know now you won't trust anyone easily but please I want to give you happiness. I want to become the reason of your happiness." Said Arhàan.

"I don't want your sympathy, Arhaan. It's not your or anyone's fault. It's fault of my life, my destiny, it's fault of my bad life." She said while pausing in between the sentence with sadness. "And you don't have to sacrifice your life to become my happiness. I know my life never gave anyone a reason of happiness. So please go and enjoy your life, don't try to make your life from happy to sad." She said and got up to leave when Arhaan held her wrist and turned her towards him.

He cupped her face and kissed her on her forehead and smiled. Shocked, Manya looked at him in disbelief.

"Trust me or not but I've started to love you. Not your looks but your pure soul. You're not bad luck for anyone. You would be good luck for that man who would be your soulmate. And I want to be that lucky man. So don't assume my love to be sympathy." He said with a full blown smile.

"Give me a chance, Manya. I assure you that you're not bad for me or anyone. Trust me for once, I will give you all the happiness that you deserve. It's not sympathy. It's a clear decision that I took, after realising my feelings for you. It's not you who want me it's I who want  you, for my happiness. So please say yes to become my wife and my life with your own decision." He said and paused while looking keenly towards her.

"You want to give happiness to everyone so look at the faces of your family. They're so happy because of this proposal. Manya not for yourself, not for me, accept this proposal for your family. I'm not going to force you to say yes for this. Now it's totally upon you if you want this or not. I will support you whatever you decision would be. But think twice before taking a decision. I will wait outside your room if you want this please come outside in ten minutes. If you will not come I will understand and tell your decision to everyone." Said Arhaan and left from there.

Manya looked at his back and stood there for sometime. After sometime she turned towards  her wardrobe and closed the door.

Arhaan was waiting for her outside while looking at his watch again and again. When ten minutes passed his face fell in despair and he looked at the door for the last time and left from there. He went to the garden and composed himself. Everyone looked at his face, in hope and with curiosity. He was going to say something when someone he felt agrip on his hand. Arhaan looked at the hand gripping his hand then at the person and whom he saw he got dumb at his place.


Hey readers! I hope all of you're fine and safe.

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