Manya the depressed soul

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Chapter 1

"Manya ...Manya why are you not listening me bitch ? Why are you slow today, lots of work's waiting for you. Come first clean the kitchen and then wash all the cloths."

"Hurry up I am not free all day for watching your activities."

Why mom always orders me to watch this bitch. I am not free to watch this ugly face of this girl.

Rachna point her finger at her sister.

"you have always been a thorn in my life. You are a headache for all our family members. You are burden for us."

These words broke Manya's heart. She was listening her sister's words silently. She never knew that her family whom she loves a lot hates her to this extent that they think she is burden for them.

"You're an ugly scar on us. Your bad fate always destroyed our happiness. Nobody wants you why are you still alive ? Go and end yourself and free us from your burden."

Listening this, Manya totally broke down. She covered her ears and started sobing.

Rachna watched this and started bad mouthing her.

"Listen to me Manya, please go out from our life nobody wants you. Your fiance left you on your wedding day. He also understood you are only burden for him and you will never keep him happy and he decided in right time to go out of your life.

Rachna please stop. Manya said crying.

Why can't you all understand that was not my fault that He left me on our wedding day. Why all of you blame me for this. If he disliked me he would've never choose me. She said and collapsed down on the floor.

But rachna didn't feel pity on her sister and kept blaming her for those things. And watched her sister with disgust and left her with her miseries.

After lot of crying Manya stood up and completed her work and made her way to her room.

Entering her room Manya stood in the balcony, thinking about her life. And today what rachna said... she felt it's right. She started thinking that her life has no meaning and decided to end it.

Author's POV

Manya was very depressed. She couldn't understand what was going on in her life. She wants to end her life but can't do it.

She wants to become strong and face hurdles of life but what people think about her broke her totally.

Today what Rachna said was printed on her mind and heart. She feels she will never be happy in life. All the negative thoughts overpowered her.

She never wants to be a burden on someone and her family think that she is burden for them and this thought made Manya to think that she has no one and she never made anyone happy. She thought to end her life.

Manya's POV

No one wants me then why I am still living my life ? I don't want to be a burden on anyone.

I have no rights to live because nobody wants me. And I want all my family to be happy and I can't ruin their happiness with my ill fate.

I decided that I will go out of their life.
I will go out of their life. I will...

After thinking Manya went out of the house and started walking lifelessly on the road. She never thought that someday she would want to end her life. All her life's event played in her mind.

Her parents who never appreciated her in any work. Who never treated her like her other siblings, with love. But she never complained. She was happy that way but when all the family members blamed her for all the bad things that happened in their life, what she could do.

She herself don't understand why her family hates her so much.

Only her grandfather loves her but he is also not with her because of his health condition. He is out of country for his treatment.

He was the only one who used to love her. It was he who gave her the love of parents and family, he educated her like her other siblings. If he had not been there for her, she would've died long ago.

Her grandfather knows nothing about her grand daughter's mental trauma.
Nobody informed him because they knew that her grandfather loves her.

Manya wants to share her problems with her grandfather but she knew about his health. And she never wants to stress him and never wants to be the cause of his bad health.

If her grandfather was with her. Perhaps she would've never thought about suicide.

Manya was aimlessly walking on the road and a truck was speeding towards her. She was lost in her thoughts and the truck driver didn't notice her. And when he noticed, he couldn't control the speed and the truck hit her hard. She flew and hit hard on a car which was coming from the other side and fell down on the road unconscious.


So what will happen with Manya ?
She'll survive or not ?

This is my first time writing a story
Pls support.

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