Brother sister moment

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Chapter 6

Author's POV

After seeing Manya in that condition they decided to contact Shobha who is a psychiatrist and a good friend of Deepika.Their families are very close and Nishant and Rishab (Shobha's husband) are business partners in some projects.They all know each other from a long time.

Next Day after calling Shobha, they both decided to meet her in her clinic. In afternoon they were present in Shobha's cabin.

"How are you, Deepika ? You called me so suddenly for meeting, is everything okay ?" asked Shobha and hugged Deepika and then smiled towards Nishant.

Deepika only nodded with a sad expressions.

"Please have a seat." Shobha gestured to sit on the sofa placed in the room, infront of her desk.

They all sat Shobha asked them what was the matter and the reason for this sudden meeting.

Nishant told everything about Manya to her. How they found her, how they brought her home as their daughter and about her parents who dislike her and don't want her in their lives.They told Shobha about the doctor's suggestion to get the help of a psychiatrist.

Shobha was listening to Nishant with concentration. She felt sad about Manya's health and her life.

"Please save her Shobha. I want to see her happy. I found my Misha in her. She is so innocent and fragile. I want you to treat her." Deepika pleaded while crying and joining her hands in front of Shobha.

"Oh don't cry Deepika. Everything will be fine." Said Shobha and hugged her friend. "I will help her. Don't worry."

"From what you told me, I also think she is not in a good state of mind. We should treat her as soon as possible. We should start her session and for that I want to meet her first."

"I don't think meeting her here at my clinic is good for her because we don't know how will she react about it. So first I will meet her as a family relative. I think you should come with her at my home this evening."

Today is mom's (Shobha's Mother in-law) birthday. So we can all meet each other for dinner. And Manya will also feel good. I'll be able to understand her better that way. After that we will start her treatment."

After listening to Shobha's plan, Deepika and Nishant felt relieved. They immidiately agreed with her and decided to meet them in the evening. After that they bade bye to her and went back home.

Arjun was taking care of Manya in absence of his parents. She was resting in her bed.

Arjun took her lunch and after knocking on the door, entered the room.She was sitting on her bed and staring at the wall in front of her. She looked so gloomy and sad that he thought he will try to make her feel good. He took a chair and sat beside her bed.

"Hello Manya, I thought you would be hungry. So I brought you lunch. I hope you're feeling better now. Please Don't feel that you are a burden on us. You are our family now. I want to tell you something. But after you eat this food."

Arjun neared a spoon full of rice towards her mouth that she ate silently. After that Arjun cleaned her mouth with his handkerchief.

Manya was shocked to see his love for her after her outburst. She was thinking why they still care for her.

Arjun chuckled to see Manya shocked to see his behavior.

"Don't be shocked Manya, we still accept you as our family. You told us what your mind was going through. We will not leave you in any situation. Your problems are ours now." Arjun paused for a few seconds and then continued.

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