Finding her

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Chapter 30

Author's POV

Somewhere in a house in an isolated area, Manya was tied to a chair and her whole face was covered with scars. She was unconscious. It's two days that he tied her to a chair. The psycho man molested her and vented his anger on her because his plan failed.

In two days he gave her strong doses of a drug that kept her unconscious. He didn't give her any food to eat. When she woke up he touched her in a wrong way and because of the effect of the drug she couldn't do anything.

Manya stirred and opened her eyes slowly and groaned in pain. She couldn't handle herself. She wanted to die now. Tears slipped from her eyes one after another. She was crying on her fate and condition when the door of the dark room opened and came in, the monster.  

"Oh baby, you're up. Time for the next dose and it's also your last time. He said with an evil smile. Manya got scared of him. Her body couldn't move because of the previous dose. She was feeling helpless and tears escaped from her eyes continuously.

Aditya came towards her and told her while holding her chin in tight grip, "Baby doll, don't struggle you can't do anything. You're in my control now and you know, after this dose you would go into a peaceful sleep. But, only when your lovely brother gives me what I want."

He touched her shoulder and dragged his fingers on her arm.

Manya felt disgusted and helpless. She wanted that drug that would solve her problems permanently. She wanted to go from this world. She was waiting for her last time that she knows, will come soon. She closed her eyes because of heaviness in her head and not getting any food for two days. She again went into unconscious state that Aditya noticed.

"Rest, darling, you're going on a long journey in sometime." he said and left from there after smirking.

Arhaan's POV

It's two days now and we couldn't find any clue about Manya. I was dieing in guilt for not trusting her and not being able to keep her safe. I promised her that day that I will never ever let someone hurt her but what I did? I hurted her and put her life in danger myself.

In anger I punched the wall many times. My knuckles started bleeding but I ignored it. I was angry on myself. Because of me this whole family was suffering.

I went to Sehgal mansion. My family and Sehgals were sitting in the living room. Arjun was talking with someone on the phone. I went to him and asked if he got any information about her. He shrugged his shoulders in neagtive.

"We've waited a lot, Arjun, it's two days now. We have to do something." I said and he looked at me with tired and teary eyes. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he broke down while hugging me. First time I saw him this broken and it's because of me.

I patted his back and broke the hug. I took my mobile out of my pocket and dialed Daksh's number. He is my best friend. And this time he's the only hope for me to find Manya. He has connections with big parties and he was also a great hacker and tracker. He picked the phone and answered in his usual, funny way.

"Hey buddy! How're you? Long time, you didn't remember me... You totally forgot your bff." He said playfully.

"Listen Daksh, I will answer your questions later. Now I want your help. And I hope you will get successful in this." I said with seriousness.

"Hey Arhaan, tell me what you want from me. I will do what you want. You know me, I never failed in my work and for you and shaan, I will do anything." He said, going serious. That's why I like him because he can feel my pain and worries. He understands me so well. He is my true friend.

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