Arhaan Malhotra

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Chapter 2

"Good morning sir..." A lady said, "ah good morning beautiful", Arhaan smiled and said to a lady who is in her mid thirties.

The lady is Mrs kalpna who works for
Malhotras as head servant since five years.

Arhaan stopped in the living room and asked Mrs kalpna, Where is everyone ?
“All are gone to hospital sir" She said.

What ? Who is in the hospital ? Why didn't anyone inform me? Asked Arhaan in panicking voice.

Oh sir don't worry nothing serious.Acutally dadi's friend is admit in hospital and today she is going to discharge. So dadi wanted to meet her, that's why. Shobha mam and Rishab sir acommpny dadi because they don't want dadi to go there alone.

"Okay" Arhaan nodded and went to his room. but while going to his room he listen to loud music coming from his sister's room. He silently moved into her room and his sister was dancing like crazy monkey. While looking at his sister Arhaan laughed loudly and teased his sister on her monkey styled dance.

"What type of dance form is this Khush?" he asked, calling her 'khush'  with love and tried to control his laugh.

"Bhai ! You are back." Khushi shouted in excitement. Arhaan rolled his eyes and turned smilingly towards his sister who ran towards him and jumped on him. Arhaan chuckled and gave his sister a tight hug.

"I missed you so much bhai."

"Oh Khush, slowly Yar, you are jumping on me like a buffalo."

"Stop. Bhai, you know what? You don't deserve my hug." Khushi said sadly, making a dramatically pouty face and turned her back towards him.

Arhaan chuckled, and turned Khushi towards him and hugged her. "I missed you too my drama queen."

"So, how was your trip Bhai?"

"It was not a trip khush, it was a business trip"

Khushi rolled her eyes at her brother's obsession for perfection. "Okay forget it, and tell me what you brought for me from Dubai?"

"Nothing. I went there for work not for shopping."

Khushi was about to shout in annoyance but their family entered the living room and they were shocked to see Arhaan there.

Her mother quickly hugged her son and kissed his face lovingly.

“You are one week late Arhaan, you said that you are going for only one week and you returned after three weeks how could you do that to us?"

"Sorry Mom. Some urgent work turned up and I couldn't ignore that and that work wanted my attention."

"Okay ! enough of your complaints, Shobha. Let me also meet my son." Said Mr. Rishab.

"How are you, son? Rishab asked, and hugged his son.

"I am fine dad. How are you ?" Arhaan reciprocated the hug.

Arhaan finally turned towards his dadi who is ignoring his grandson.

"How are you sexy? You don't want to welcome your grandson ?"

"Finally ! You remember that you have an old dadi who is waiting for her son to call her for so long." Dadi said. "And you never called me in these three weeks and from me you accept a warm, happy welcome. Forget that ! I am angry with you don't talk to me."

"Shobha, let's get fresh and call servants to prepare dinner." dadi said and left for her room ignoring Arhaan, who was smiling and watching his dadi's fake anger.

Arhaan stopped his dadi and hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek. I missed you dadi. I was busy in work so forgot to contact you. Sorry dadi and tell me what can I do for you, For your forgiveness ?"

"You want my forgiveness? And you will do what I say ?"

“Of course. So tell me what you want?"

Dadi looked at him mischieviously, " want you to get married."

Arhaan's eyes widened at dadi's demand.

"What ? No dadi. What are you saying ? I can't." Arhaan said.

"Why? you said that you will do what I'll say."

"You are saying about marriage dadi. For marriage we want a girl and I have no one in my life."

"So what? We will find a good girl for you. I am saying that you promise me, that you will get married by the end of this year.

"Okay as you say. But! Only IF we find the right girl." Arhaan said stressing the word 'if'. "Okay, you're happy now. Please forget this topic for now and please arrange the dinner. I am starving." Arhaan said and laughed.

"Okay. We end this discussion for now but don't think that I'll leave this topic after some time. So now give your sexy dadi a hug and freshen up." Dadi said.

All laughed at this and returned to their rooms.

At dinner all were sitting in the dinning area. Shobha had prepared her son's favorite food. After dinner they sat in the garden for family time.

They were all laughing at Khushi and Arhaan's cute fight. Khushi was telling her father who was listening to his daughter's complaints smilingly and patiently.

Khushi was telling him how Arhaan didn't bring her any gift from Dubai. Arhaan who was listening to her complaint stood up and left for his room after some time and returned with a suitcase.

When Arhaan opened the suitcase Khushi jumped on Arhaan and hugged him. He chuckled and gave all the gifts to them. After spending sometime in chit-chatting, they left to their rooms.

Back in his room, Arhaan was lying in his bed, thinking about what his dadi said and while thinking he fell in a deep sleep.


So here is Arhaan's first glimpse.

How's the chapter ? I hope you liked it.

So next update will be up soon.

Pls support.

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