Chapter Twenty-Four: We Weren't

Start from the beginning

"Okay," I said, I didn't know what else to say.

Luke then turned to face Triss and Ryan with a grin. "Now who wants to bet when Jenny and Peirce are gonna break up again?" I frowned at him. I couldn't figure him out, was he serious just a while ago?

"Ten bucks says next week," Triss said.

"Give it two days," Ryan betted.

Luke smirked. "Three days."


Rehearsals happened with Grey and I too stiff around each other. Everyone noticed it and only clueless Ms. Wilde had something to say about it. She said and I quote, 'Okay, if two lovebirds don't fix your little lover's quarel,' she started ro which everyone snickered. 'I will personally drag you into an empty classroom, lock you up until you make up,' she declared. We doubted if she'd actually go through with it but we both got the point. I temporarily pushed aside our issues and concentrated on rehearsing.

The fifteen-minute break came and I sat at the front rows. Triss was going through her lines beside me.

It'll be for the best if I end it. I exhaled. If we want rehearsals to go smoothly, Grey and I need to talk. Clear the awkward air around us.

At least now I know he has a conscience.

I left Triss there and searched for Grey around the auditorium. I saw him chatting with Diana, both sitting at the stairs. I approached the two and when Diana saw me, she waved me over. Grey glanced up and visibly froze when he caught sight of me. I cleared my throat when I was in front of them and shot Diana a sorry smile. She got the look and understandingly excused herself. I wonder what they were talking about. I offered a thanks which she replied with a smile.

I sat beside Grey. "I think we need to talk." I mumbled.

"We do?"



"So . . . what did you wanna talk about?" He asked me. I think he has fair idea what but was initiating the conversation. 

I looked down and fiddled with my fingers. "You apologized." He didn't answer. "And . . . I want to say that I . . . forgive you?" There was hesitance in my tone and Grey must have misunderstood it.

"You're not sure if you forgive me?" He peered curiously.

"I mean–" I closed my eyes for a second before looking up at him to my right and found him already doing the same. "I mean I . . . forgive you," I whipsered as I stared at his eyes. I've never seen him look so concerned about what I was gonna say. His grey orbs held everything he wanted to tell. He didn't mean to throw me back on that place. Yes, things were never good between us but that was a line he would not dare cross. What is happening between us? I questioned myself, confused. What is this electrifying pull I feel towards him. Has it always been there? I couldn't deny the fact there was nothing more captivating than his eyes. Since was his eyes captivating to me? "Grey . . .?" I asked in a low tone, I didn't know what I was gonna ask.

We both snapped at my voice. I coughed and he cleared his throat. "You forgive me?" Hope was obvious in his voice.

"Yes," I confirmed. "We can't keep this up. It's gonna affect the whole play," I explained.

Grey nodded, staying quiet for a while. I just sat there beside him and we both watch everyone else move around. "Thanks," he muttered, so low I wasn't sure he said it. 

Then I looked at him and saw relief and calmness wash over his face. It was like a huge burden has been lifted off his shoulders. I gave him a smile. I think I made the right decision. "No problem."

He smiled back and we just sat there while our lips stretched wider by the second. When it has gotten too long, I started chuckling. Grey, matching the amused look on my face, started chuckling as well. 

I gave a laugh and suddenly we were both clutching our stomachs, laughing at nothing and everything. Everyone in the auditorium gave us interested, suprised, weird looks. Grey and I paused before glancing at each other. 

Our expression morphed into one of amusement and then we started laughing again. We must look crazy but I can't help but suddenly feel like this is how it was always supposed to be. It was like I was given a gift I didn't ask for but very much needed. Happiness bloomed inside my chest as I laughed with him. 

Who knew finally being in good terms with your enemy could feel this amazing? 


Author's Note:

An update! I got 1K reads today so YAY! I'm so happy right now. I'm not much of a hugger but if I ever see you guys in person, I'd definitely hug you.

THANK YOU FREAKING SO MUCH! All the votes and comments meant a lot to me, you guys are amazing.


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