04| A Special Friend

Start from the beginning

"You study about living things and have no knowledge on the naming of slugs!?"

"We do! Back in where we come from, an orange-reddish slug like Burpy is called Arion Rufus!"

"That's an Infurnus you dumbass!"

After some light arguments and hard-hitting questions, we managed to get some insights and knowledge about the world we were in. Trixie and Pronto educated us about slug energy, and how vital the slugs were to Slugterra. They mentioned about a guy named Dr Blakk, and how he almost destroyed Slugterra by ghouling slugs with a liquid substance called Dark Water. And then there is this Tad guy, Dr Blakk's son, who currently owns his dad's business.

In addition to that, they told us more about themselves, the Shane Gang. The explorations and adventures they had, and how Pronto always saved the day. They were 'slingers', people who fire slugs with their blasters. They claimed to be the protectors of the 99 caverns, and they take down the bad guys. They also informed us about the history of the legendary Will Shane, Eli's father, and many more.

"Any more questions?" Trixie asked, just like a professor does right after a lecture.

"Just one. Why is Tad trying to hunt down the Elemental? You mentioned that they are extremely powerful and affects all the other slugs! If he gets his hands on them... " Mia asked.

"We are not entirely sure why he wants them, but if Tad gets his hands on those slugs, it could potentially bring Slugterra to the brink of destruction. Hence, no matter what, we have to stop that from happening," Trixie explained and we nodded in awe.

"But don't you worry! With Pronto the magnificent around to save the day, nothing will ever happen to the Elementals!" Pronto said, pointing his finger to prove his point. We let out a deep sigh and shook our heads. Our slugs huffed.

"No more questions? Great! Class dismissed! The one and truly Mighty Pronto deserves to enjoy some delicacies!"

And with that, he ran for the fridge.

"Thanks Trix, for sharing and trusting us," I smiled. "It's nothing," she said and smiled back at us. She scanned us from head to toe, and a lightbulb materialized above her head.

"Both of you need some new clothes and slinging attires! I reckon it would take a while for you to figure your way back home, wouldn't it? In the mean time, you'll need some new outfits! How about we go shopping this afternoon?" Trixie suggested excitingly.

"No thank you! We can't afford new clothing-"

"YES PLEASE I LOVE YOU!" Mia exclaimed happily, cutting me off and gave Trixie a bear hug.

"Don't worry about it, Ali. We'll pay for it, as a welcoming gift from the Shane Gang. You must accept it! No buts!" Trixie stated, gesturing me to join their hug. I chuckled as I joined them.

"Thank you," I said. "And it's Alessia, not Ali. I hate that name."

Mia and I made lunch, and we enjoyed it with the Shane Gang. All of them loved the food, except for Pronto, of course, who claimed that his spider's leg stew was ten times better than our pasta but still ate the whole plate like it was his last meal.

At first, there was still an invisible but noticeable wall between Mia and I, and the gang, but as we progressed and shared our own stories, at the end we were left gasping for air from the jokes they made and the entertaining pranks they played on each other, especially poor Pronto. At this point, even Kord, the only one who still thinks we were from Tad, seemed to have some faith in us.

Trixie then suggested that we all go on a shopping spree, and everyone agreed. After washing up the dishes and cleaning the table, we prepared to head off to our first destination in Slugterra. I was still wearing Eli's oversized shirt and shorts, while Mia put on a great outfit from Trixie's closet.

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