"Okay.." Alex wasn't convinced. There was no way the song wasn't Trevor's.

"Here. I'll prove it." Julie spun round in her chair, grabbing her laptop and placing it on her keyboard. She opened up her browser and brought up a page of Trevor. His songs, family, his whole life. There was no way you could prove her wrong. "His first album had a bunch of hits but none of his latest stuff is as good."

The guys looked surprised. Alex hit his fist off of Reggie's chest and leant in for a closer look. Luke's jaw dropped, "That's Bobby!"

"Seriously, I just told you his name was Trevor."

The guys still had astonished looks on their faces. If this was really their former band mate, then he had taken credit for their life's work. "G- great. Then he changed it alright? But that's definitely Bobby, he was our rhythm guitarist." Alex started to lean back. Stuttering as he spoke.

Julie scoffed, "Trevor Wilson was in your band?". "Julie!" I whispered, hitting her lightly on the back, "Remember when you said to be nice?" She just rolled her eyes and turned back to the guys. "I can't get over how old he looks!" Reggie had a disgusted look on his face. I had to hold my laugh in because I didn't want to ruin the moment. "Ugh. He looks like a substitute teacher." Alex shook his head as I burst out laughing. Quickly realising and slapping my hand over my mouth as I looked back at Julie and the guys. "Sorry.."

"Julie.. y/n.. What were his other hits?" Luke looked concerned.

"Get lost." Julie looked at Luke. He bowed his head, "Yeah, I wrote that."

"Long Weekend?" I asked. "Yeah, Luke wrote that one too." Reggie's voice sounded like it was breaking. Their friend had betrayed them. 

"Crooked teeth?" Julie asked one more time. "And that. It was about Reggie." Alex replied.

"What? I thought it was about you!" Reggie yelled. He looked back at me with a heartbroken face. "I don't like that song anymore." He walked off as I tried not to chuckle.

The guys looked so upset. I've never seen them like this. How could he have done that? Taken their songs and called them his own. No mercy. "Wait.. this is freaking me out. Trevor's songs are kinda big to us, he's the one who introduced us to rock." Julie was shocked. "Yeah." Alex sighed, "Luke introduced you to rock." I looked over at Luke. He was firing darts towards the board.

"So this whole time. I thought you were connected to our mom. But instead you're connected to Carrie's dad?" I walked over to Reggie and sat next to him. "Out of all people it had to be the one girl who had it out for me." Julie added on. "Julie.." I looked up at her.

"We'll add it to our list of questions." Alex sat in front of his drum set.

"Whenever me and Carrie hang out, even now. He has not once mentioned you guys, and we have always talked about our music."

"That's unbelievable!" Luke threw another dart, "He can take all the credit and he doesn't even mention us?!"

"And he's rich." Julie looked down. "He has his own helicopter.." I finished. "Luke screamed and kept throwing darts full force. Alex came to his feet, "He has- He has a helicopter?". "With his face on it." Julie rolled her eyes.

"And he parks it in front of that hotel?" Reggie signalled to the mansion behind the helicopter on the photo. "No, he gets to park it in front of his mansion." "MANSION!?"

"Dude, we live in a garage!" Alex turned to Luke. "It's not about the money, it's about the music!"

"It is a little bit about the money though!" Reggie yelled. "A little bit about the money" Alex and Reggie turned to face Luke once again. "He could've shared it with our families! Maybe then my parents wouldn't have had their house turned into a bike shack!" 

The Ghost Playing Bass(Reggie x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora