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World War Three- part 4

" How do we get out?"

The Doctor looked to Rose and said "We don't. We stay here."

"Hes right." She sighed as she grabbed the red box and opened it up, grabbing the emergency protocols from inside.

***** *****

"Use the buffalo password. It overrides everything." The Doctor told Mickey over the phone.

They heard Jackie asked " What're you doing?"

"Hacking into the Royal Navy. We're in. Here it is. HMS Taurean, Trafalgar Class submarine, ten miles off the coast of Plymouth."

The Historian clapped. "Right, we need to select a missile."

"We can't go nuclear. We don't have the defence codes." Mickey told them.

" We don't need it. All we need's an ordinary missile." She said.

"What's the first category?" The Doctor asked.

"Sub Harpoon, UGM-A4A."

"That's the one. Select."

"I could stop you." Jackie said.

"Do it, then."

"You ready for this?" The Historian asked.


The Doctor nodded. " Mickey the idiot, the world is in your hands... Fire."

Mickey pressed the button and up it went, out of the sea. "Oh my god." Jackie cried as it shot into the air.

"How solid are these?" Harriett asked, looking around the room.

"Not solid enough. Built for short range attack, nothing this big." The Historian said as the room began to shake.

Rose nodded. " All right, now I'm making the decision. I'm not going to die. We're going to ride this one out. It's like what they say about earthquakes. You can survive them by standing under a doorframe. Now, this cupboard's small so it's strong. Come and help me. Come on."

Rose and Harriett emptied the cabinet at the back of the room as Mickey called. "It's on radar. Counter defence five five six."

"Stop them intercepting it." The Doctor called.

"I'm doing it now." Mickey called.

"Good boy." The Doctor grinned.

" Five five six neutralised.

The Historian unplugged the phone and grabbed the Doctor, pulling him into the cupboard as she ground shook like an earth quake. Harriett clung onto them and yelled over the noise "Here we go. Nice knowing you three. Hannibal!"

The cupboard rolled at the sound of a loud boom. Rose and Harriett screamed  as they were flung around the small metal box.

The doctor clung onto the Historian as they eventually stopped rolling. She pushed herself up and the pair pushed the door open.

The four of them climbed out of the cupboard. Harriett turned and grinned to the cupboard. "Made in Britain."

A man ran over to them with wide eyes. "Oh, my God. Are you all right?"

"Harriet Jones. MP, Flydale North. I want you to contact UN immediately. Tell the ambassadors the crisis is over. They can step down. Go on, tell the news."

" Yes, ma'am." He nodded before running off.

Harriett turned to the Timelords and Rose. Then, The Historian recognised who Harriett Jones was. " Someone's got a hell of a job sorting this lot out. Oh, Lord. We haven't even got a Prime Minister."

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