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The Unquiet Dead- Part 1

The Historian frantically pressed some buttons and pulled a lever inside the TARDIS as the Doctor and her tried to take Rose to the 1860's

"Hold that one down!" He shouted to Rose across the TARDIS.

"I'm holding this one down."

" Well, hold them both down!"

"It's not going to work." Rose huffed.

The Historian let go of her lever and ran around the TARDIS, holding in the button for Rose.

"Oi! I promised you a time machine and that's what you're getting. Now, you've seen the future, let's have a look at the past. 1860. How does 1860 sound?"

"What happened in 1860?"

"I don't know, let's find out. Hold on, here we go!"

As they materialised in the street, the three were sent flying onto the port of the TARDIS.

Rose groaned as she sat up. "Blimey!"

"You're telling me. Are you all right?"

"Yeah. I think so. Nothing broken." She said.

The doctor looked to the Historian. "You okay?"

"Oh better than ever." She grumbled as she rubbed her elbows. "I'm getting too old for this, Doctor."

"You're younger than me!"

"By six months." She corrected.

Rose coughed and smirked. "Sorry to interrupt the domestic but, did we make it? Where are we?"

He grinned as he jumped.to the console. " I did it. Give the man a medal. Earth, Naples, December 24th, 1860."

"Correction, we did it." The Historian sighed.

Rose frowned. 'That's so weird. It's Christmas."

He nodded to the doors. " All yours."

"But, it's like, think about it, though. Christmas. 1860. Happens once, just once and it's gone, it's finished, it'll never happen again. Except for you. You can go back and see days that are dead and gone a hundred thousand sunsets ago. No wonder you never stay still."

"Not a bad life." The Historian shrugged.

"Better with three. Come on, then., rose grinned.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" The Doctor called.

" 1860."

"Go out there dressed like that, you'll start a riot, Barbarella. There's a wardrobe through there. First left, second right, third on the left, go straight ahead, under the stairs, past the bins, fifth door on your left. Hurry up!"

The Historian rolled her eyes and grabbed Rose's arm. "Come on. I'll have to change too."

***** *****

The Historian opted for a deep purple dress with a long black coat while Rose chose mainly black. The pair walked back into the main chamber of the TARDIS, the Doctor nearly laughed when he saw them. Rose rolled her eyes and walked towards the doors as the Historian folded her arms at him.

" Blimey!" He smirked.

"Don't laugh."

"You look beautiful, considering." He grinned

" Considering what?" The Historian asked as she leant against the panel.

"That you're married."

"I'm married to you. You just insulted yourself... I think... arent you going to change?" She asked.

He scoffed and headed to the doors. "I've changed my jumper. Come on."

"You look like you're in the navy, Doctor." She laughed.

Rose span around. " You stay there. You've done this before. This is mine."

She opened the doors slowly and stepped out into the snow. "Ready for this? Here we go. History." He beamed.

***** *****

The Doctor stepped back outside of a shop, holding a newspaper under his arm. "Historian got the flight a bit wrong."

"Me?" she scoffed. "'What happened to 'give the man a medal?'"

Rose didnt mine. "I don't care."

"It's not 1860, it's 1869."

"I don't care."

"And it's not Naples."

Rose sighed again. "I don't care."

"It's Cardiff."

Rose stopped walking and frowned deeply. The Historian rooled her eyes and linked an arm through either of them. "Come on you two." She sighed. "Let's look around."

The continued on their way, passing a theatre where screams began to ring out from inside.  The Doctor grinned at them. " That's more like it!"

As the three ran inside, they saw a blue entity flying from a corpse, and shooting out of the theatre. A man at the front was shouting as people screamed, trying to escape. "Stay in your seats, I beg you. It is a lantern show. It's trickery."

Police whistles began to blow outside as the Doctor grabbed hold of the Historian. As a child, despite her extremely scientific mind, she had always been rather superstitious... something her Regeneration had always kept hold of.

"Ghost!" She exclaimed to the Doctor.

"Fantastic!" Then, the corpse collapsed onto the floor once again. He turned to her with wide, excited eyes. "Did you see where it came from?"

"No! Pretty amazing though, right?"

The man at the front of the theatre stride over with a glare, pointing at the Doctor, Historian and rose, who was preoccupied with a man and woman inside the theatre heading to the corpse. "Ah, the wag reveals himself, does he? I trust you're satisfied, sir!"

"Oi! Leave her alone! Doctor, I'll get them." Rose told them as she saw the two hurrying the body out of the theatre.

"Be careful!" The Historian shouted as the doctor turned to him.

"Did it say anything? Can it speak? I'm the Doctor, by the way, and the Historian."

"Doctor? You look more like a navvie."

"I told you!" She gasped as she poked his jumper.

"What's wrong with this jumper?"

The Historian grabbed him, turning him towards the blue entity which had re entered the theatre. They watched as it flew into a gas lantern.

He grinned. "Gas! It's made of gas... sorry it's not a ghost."

"Win some you loose some." She shrugged as the pair ran from the theatre and into the street.

As they got outside, the Historian saw Rose being driven away in the back of a herse. "ROSE!" She cried as she ran towards the herself, but a carriage pulled in front of her.

The doctor pulled her back from its wheels. "What do we do?" She yelled at him. From behind, the strange man from the theatre ran toward them.

"You're not escaping me, sir. What do you know about that hobgoblin, hmm? Projection on glass, I suppose. Who put you up to it?"

He rolled his eyes and threw the for to the coach open. " Yeah, mate. Not now, thanks. Oi, you! Follow that hearse!"

The Historian and the Doctor climbed inside, but the driver shook his head. "I can't do that, sir."

The Historian stuck her head out of a window and yelled "Why not?"

" I'll tell you why not. I'll give you a very good reason why not. Because this is my coach."

She reached out and dragged him inside. " Well, get in, then. Move!"

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