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Taehyung's pov

I was jerked awake when I heard someone scream. I sat up on my bed rubbing my eyes as I heard voices outside. Loud voices that seemed to be arguing. I opened my eyes slowly taking in my surroundings. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I was beyond appalled. Because I wasn't in my fucking room. Did I get kidnapped? Oh my god no. Please. If the word of my abduction got out then I couldn't even imagine the chaos it would cause. And-and all my hyungs and Kookie. They'd be beyond worried and-
I stopped my thought train and realised something. A very VERY important detail that I had failed to comprehend before. My head felt a lot heavier. Did I have a headache? No. Then?

I touched my head, everything felt seemingly fine until I registered how my hair didn't stop at its usual distance. My hand kept flowing through the long locks until it finally stopped at my- my BOOBS?!!$#($+)))#(())))$)
I stared at my bloated chest poking a finger in it. What the actual fuck?! It was a full ass boob. I shot up standing suddenly and opened the closest door. I stepped into an unrecognizable hallway and looked around. It had stairs going down and I rushed down as quick as I could. "NAMJOON HYUNG! SEOKJIN HY-"
I stopped in my tracks when I saw what was in front of me.

Two girls sat on a couch in what seemed like a living room. Now it wouldn't have been that big of a problem until I had noticed one of them was in her underwear and the other in her pajamas that left little to imagination. I squealed really loud freshly realising how weird my voice sounded. I turned around closing my eyes and ran back upstairs to the room I had first come from. I closed the door and slid down the door. What is happening? I was about to break down when my sight landed on the glass cabinet door to my right and I just gaped at the reflection not recognising the person, literally.
I searched for a mirror in panic coming across another smaller door which I assumed led to the bathroom. I wasted no time in entering and finally took a clearer look at the reflection. I had somehow transformed into?? a girl??????????????

What is this witchcraft? I quickly pinched my-this girl's cheeks and when I tell you I almost cried. It stung so bad. It was real. This was all real. But how? And who were those girls downstairs? Are they some kind of witches? Did they turn me into a girl? But why me? If confusion was a person it'd be me at that moment.
I decided I had to get answers, sitting here and cribbing wasn't helping. I opened the door to the room and descended down the stairs.
I saw the two girls conversing and slowly approached them. I tried to keep my eyes on the floor as much as possible and coughed slightly gaining their attention.

"Oh Y/n! Do you know what that bastard did? He had a side chick all this time! Even when we were having sex yesterday he was texting her and when I found out and asked him for an explanation, he had the audacity to tell me he used me for money." The girl in her underwear cried. My cheeks burned up slightly. I glanced at the girl's crying face not knowing what to do.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you ma'am but can I ask why I am here?" The two girls stared at me like I was speaking some alien language until the other girl spoke up.
"Y/n! Suya has been cheated on! Why are you acting so hostile?" She scolded.
I decided I had to clear this up. I was no Y/n and I had no intention of dealing with what was going on right now. My hyungs must be worried about me and I had to get back to them as Taehyung as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry ladies but my name isn't
Y/n. I'm Kim Taehyung and I don't know why I am here in this girl's body." They both looked at me with such a straight face, I thought I had imagined everything that I said.
"Kim Taehyung? Did you start listening to kpop?" One of them perked up. That's was it. I lost it.
"For fuck's sake I don't know who you girls are! I just wanna go back to my hyungs! I'm not some Y/n I'm KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG!" I screeched finally running out of patience. What was I supposed to do? I was scared out of my wits and these two girls weren't ready to listen to my explanation. They seemed to evaluate my words after my outburst making me feel a little less guilty.
"Please just tell me where this place is." I continued in a softer tone.
"We're in C/N...and what are you talking about? Damn! I hope this is not some prank girl." The pajama girl carefully approached.

"Trust me please. I know it's hard to believe, even I can't wrap my head around this. I just got up and suddenly I was in some unknown place with this long ass hair and....uh....chesticles.." I shyly looked at the ground. I looked up to see them whispering to eachother, probably about what to do with this situation when I was suddenly reminded of the most important thing in this world as of today.

The phone!

"Hey! Can I borrow a phone?"

The pj girl looked around till her gaze landed on a bag on the couch. She went over and got a phone out of it.
"This is Y/n's." She says and hands over the phone and I quickly dial Jin hyung's number but to my dismay he doesn't pick up. I groan inwardly and go on to dial Yoongi hyung's number. I wait for about 10 seconds and he finally picks up. I hear his husky voice say "Hello?" And let out a deep sigh of relief.
"Hyung!-" I cry "it's me Tae! I'm in some girl's body in C/n help me I don't know what to do!" There's silence at the end before I hear all of them suddenly start yelling different things at the same time like where are you, are you ok and stuff and I'm a crying mess. Not wanting to cry in front of the ladies, I turn.
I hear Yoongi hyung flip everyone off.
"Ok Tae it's fine. We'll come and get you ok till then don't move from where you are and text me the address." He coos.
I calm down a little and tell him the address after confirming with the girls and the call is cut after a few take cares and wait for us.
I go upstairs lock the room and sit on the bed and stare into the abyss, thinking about all the possibilities that would have lead to this situation; nothing came to mind. This was fucked up.

Is this Science? Or...magic..?

(A/n : The last sentence is so cringe omg BYE.)

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