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Taehyung's pov

We had just returned from an award show, tired but happy. We had won 4 daesangs in total today and we decided to have a feast at home. So we picked up food parcels on our way home, everyone too tired to cook. As soon as we reached our dorm, everybody quickly changed and got to the table. Once everyone was there we opened the parcels and served eachother, the smell taunting us to take just a bite. After everyone was settled, bottles of soju were cocked open.
We held our glasses out for a toast, "To army~" we all clinked our glasses and took a sip, digging into the food right away while laughing and bickering about random things. After the food was done, Jungkook, Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung moved to the sofa getting comfortable and turned on the tv. They were watching some movie while Jin hyung and Hobi hyung were cleaning the dishes and the table.
Jimin was sprawled on the floor, curling up due to the cold floor but being too tired to get up.
"Hey Jimin! Don't sleep on the floor you'll catch a cold or something." I muttered getting up and on my knees beside him trying to wake him up. He opened his eyes and nodded a yes while rubbing his left eye.
I watched him get up and stumble to his room. I got up too, going to my room while wishing everyone a quick good night. It was already like 1:30a.m. or something and my body begged for some rest. I entered my room and sat on the bed kicking off my flip flops and just laying on the bed but inspite of being so tired earlier I found myself unable to sleep. I got up and went to the bathroom, looking at my reflection while it was brushing it's teeth. I spit the toothpaste out and gargled my mouth and found myself staring at my reflection again.
I realized how I was again wondering about when I was 16, I didn't have the slightest idea that I'd be here at this point in life as a famous k-pop idol. At the time I had thought about how I'd just live a very peaceful life, work as a veterinarian, live in a small apartment maybe with a significant other.
But here I was after 7 years with people I could never get tired of and whom I loved dearly plus a great, supportive fandom.
But sometimes, it got too overwhelming and I pondered upon my childish beliefs of a possible future I could've had. Everytime there's an argument, I run back to my room, let out the tears I'd been holding in and freely wish for a simple life. I wasn't ungrateful because this is the best life anyone could have but the constant pressure of not making a mistake and giving out the best performance wore me out sometimes. The constant eyes and the privacy-depriving questions at interviews got me a little angry sometimes but I couldn't really lash out on them now could I. It was what I signed up for when I had decided on this career.
And yet, I shamelessly wished for a simple life every chance I got knowing how useless it was to go back now, that all I could do now was hope for my selfish wish to come true even though I knew it was impossible. That night wasn't different. I closed my eyes not wanting to look at my reflection when I wished because that gave me a sense of guilt and I felt like I was betraying myself and the people I cared for. So I closed my eyes and just hoped for my life to become at least a little untangled and more simplistic.

'I want to be happy.' I wished pouring out my heart into the thought. I opened my eyes, my reflection staring back at me. A little disappointed I returned to my bed curling up inside my blanket and drifting off to sleep.

He might not have noticed the falling ball of light outside his window but looked like the light had finally heard his pleas.

(A/n : I am really sorry for the short chapter but like I couldn't just keep dragging it and I promise future chapters will be longer but if y'all like small chapters then do comment. Also the timing at which they wished might differ depending on the time zones but I tried not to specify the place they stay at because I'm very indecisive.)

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