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Y/n's pov

I got up feeling like shit. Absolute shit. I loved sleeping and getting up had to be the hardest part but today I also had a slight headache. I kept my eyes closed and rolled on the bed causing my sheets to tangle around me. For some reason they felt softer today so I just stayed for the next half an hour reveling in my bed's warmth.
I decided it was enough and started to get into a sitting position but for some reason it felt kind of weird. I felt something touch my inner thigh and flinched.

I immediately opened my eyes and looked down to see I was wearing pajama pants that I seriously didn't remember wearing. I pushed them down and saw boxers. To be specific, bulging boxers, which left me with a weird sense of dread. I immediately pushed them down too and no no no. OH NO. When I tell you I shouldn't have. They went right back up. I put the pants back on immediately as I took in my surroundings and it wasn't my room for fuck's sake. I had never seen this place before in my life and I started freaking out. Almost shouting until I saw a door to which my instinct told me was a bathroom. I quickly rushed to the door and harshly opened it and stared at the mirror and what I saw left me speechless. It wasn't lil ole me. It was a-a man staring back at me through the glass.
And everything started to blur in and out of my vision until I fell to the ground, fainting.



I heard voices.

But I wasn't able to decipher what they were trying to say. I slowly but painfully peeled my eyes open my headache increasing a little. My vision started to focus again and I saw a guy leaned over me saying something, his eyes evident with worry.

"Taehyung! You scared us all man! What happened to you?" The guy was almost shouting in relief. Taehyung?
Who the fuck is he oh my god. Am I finally going to die? Something tingled my memory in a blurry whisper. I tried hard to focus but this guy was so loud. And suddenly it hit me; the reflection, the dick! What the fuck was going on. Was I being pranked? It had to be a prank! I touched my face while slowly getting up. There was no sign of makeup or anything. I touched my head and that was it. The last straw. I fucking screamed at the top of my lungs. My hair had been cut and one more thing I noticed. My voice.
It was so deep. It was not my fucking voice. Like a man's. What the heck is happening. I immediately got up and turned back to the bathroom before barging in again and I screeched again while tears strolled down the reflection's cheek. Suddenly the guy from before came behind me with a worried expression and I quickly turned getting into defence mode.

"Taehyung? Are you ok? What is wrong with you?" He asked softly trying to calm me down.

"Who are you?" I asked, wailing.

"What the fuck?! Tae it's me Jimin! Did you lose your memories from the fall?? I'm getting really worried. Should I call Jin or Namjoon hyung?"
I needed to be alone and think about this. I didn't know what was happening but I had to figure it out.

"Right. Jimin. Can you leave me alone for a second? I'll be right back." I said trying to sound stable even though I was literally dying inside.

"Taehyung I swear if this is some dumb prank." And cautiously he backed up until he was out of the room. I closed the bathroom door and turned to the mirror again staring at the reflection of this Taehyung. As bizzare as this may sound I think I have swapped bodies with someone. I'm damn sure this isn't a dream and I'm even more sure that my previous life wasn't either. But what am I supposed to do now?
Should I go out and talk to the Jimin guy? Should I stay here until I die or until this shit is undone?
I couldn't quite decide and I found myself subconsciously opening the door of the bathroom and stepping into the room. I looked around it. It was quite spacious and the decorations were kept to a minimum. But it was clearly evident that this person liked vintage stuff and cottagecore.

I turned towards the bed room door and reached for its knob. I pushed it down and it squeaked open.
I peeked my head out and saw a hallway leading to probably a living room? I quietly tip toed across the hallway making my way to a wall and peeked around it to see that I was indeed correct. The living room was not too big but not too small either but was flavoured with some lavish set of furnitures. Where tf am I? A movie set?
"What...are you doing?" I let out a yelp as I turned around. A pale, slightly shorter guy stood there with a confused expression.
I dumbly pointed a finger at myself in question and he just gave me a look.
"Who else is here? Why are you acting so weird?"

"Look here mister I'm sorry but I don't know who you are. My name is Y/n and I really don't know how or why I'm in this Taehyung guy's body." I huffed finally saying it all.
The puzzled look on his face slowly started fading and he looked at me with an indifferent expression.
"Wow you almost got me." He grumbled and walked past me to the kitchen.
I followed him, keen on making him believe I wasn't their beloved Taehyung. "Hey bro I'm serious! I'm seriously not who you think I am. Please just listen to me for fuck's sake!"

"Taehyung language. And it's hyung to you. I've told you before not to mess with me when I've just woken up." He spoke so coldly, his eyes piercing my soul that I actually felt a shiver run down my spine and I got so scared that I started crying. I couldn't think of anything else. These people weren't believing me, this guy I didn't know was looking at me all pissed and I just got really scared ok. So all I could do was cry. I fell onto my knees and sobbed into my hands. My usual voice much deeper and masculine.

"Are you actually fucking crying?" I heard the guy state his voice a little worried.
I heard some foot steps behind me and
"What the fuck is going on?!" I removed my hands from my face and turned to the voice. 5 handsome men stood there including Jimin, staring down at me and the pale guy.
"Taehyung! Are you ok? Why are you crying?" A guy asked incredulously.
"Did Yoongi hyung hurt you?"
"Do you want water?" "Did y'all have a fight?"
A bunch of questions were bombarded at me with a defensive "Hey!" and I couldn't answer any of them. Instead I felt so overwhelmed that I started crying again, pulling my knees closer to my chest. "I'M NOT TAEHYUNG!"
I finally shouted getting sick of their questions. I still continued in a slightly softer voice, "My name is Y/n. I don't know how I got into this man's body. Please get me out. Get me out!" I sobbed
I shakily turned to look at the guys and they all would be an understatement.
"Taehyu- Y/n what are you saying? If you are not Taehyung then where is he?"

"I don't know. I really don't. All I did was go to sleep yesterday in my body and when I got up I had a dick and stuff." Feeling a little relieved that at least they were now listening to me when a sudden thought struck my brain.

'If I'm here then what about my body?!'

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