Carina rubbed her forehead, shaking her head. "Wait, I can fix that," the girl put her wand against her temple and muttered a memory enhancing incantation. "Yeah, okay," she mumbled after a couple of minutes, finally remembering everything. "Thanks," she said suddenly. Now that she had those memories back, she could see that she quite liked it. It was a good night... he was soft and it was nice. He put her pleasure before his and she enjoyed herself.

Miles raised an eyebrow at her, "Are you thanking me for giving you an orgasm?" He wondered, an amusing smile on his lips.

The green eyed girl couldn't help but blush, "I guess I am?" She responded, putting her socks on. "Also thanks for stopping after I fell asleep -"

"C'mon, Carina, don't thank me for that," Miles stopped her, shaking his head. "That's fucking common decency, I would never be that lad," he even appeared to be offended by the implication, but said nothing else. Instead, he got out of bed and walked over to his closet, putting on a clean shirt. "So, listen," he cleared his throat, "I wasn't lying last night, when I told you I like you..." Carina cursed under her breath, "That's okay, I know you don't like me," he chuckled humourlessly.

"...Yeah, I don't..." Carina offered him a pitiful smile, she didn't want to give him any false hope, that would be mean.

"But you had fun last night, didn't you?" Miles turned to her, arms crossed across his chest, a proud smirk on his lips. She nodded with a shrug, trying to remain cool. "I was thinking, maybe we could do it again? You know, have fun together, no strings?" He suggested.

"Miles... I don't think that's a good idea -" She started saying, but he cut her off.

"The only one who stands getting hurt in this endeavour is me," he told her, ruffling his hair as he stared at himself in the mirror. "And I don't think I will, so it's not that bad. As soon as one of us wants out then it's over! You can keep dating, I can keep dating, it's fine!"

It was not fine, it was actually pretty bad. "Listen, you're not as bad as I thought you were. Okay? You're... a decent lad! You're good looking, probably good in bed and you're nice enough when you wanna be... I wouldn't wanna ruin that," Carina sighed, shaking her head. "How do you think your next girlfriend's gonna feel when she finds out about our arrangement?"

"Nina, everyone has a past," Miles laughed softly, showing of his smile. "Do you wanna be a part of mine?"

Cassius and Adrian stare in disbelief as she finishes telling them the whole story, biting down on her lower lip. "And what did you say?" Cass asks after she's done speaking.

The black haired girl looks at him and snorts, "Who do you think I am, you wanker? Of course I said no!" She exclaims, letting her back hit the couch with a loud scoff.

"So, that's the last time you and Bletchley are going to hook up then?" Adrian raises an eyebrow, already knowing the answer.

"I - I didn't say that either," she gives in, an innocent smile on her face as they burst into laughter. "C'mon, you can't really trust me when I'm tipsy! Also, you can't blame me! I act on impulse, it could be him just as much as it could be -" Fred Weasley. "- Anybody." She coughs slightly, almost surprised by her own mind.

It's in that moment that images of Fred making out with Alison enter her brain. Cassius and Adrian watch quietly as her nose twitches in disgust. Fred's hands under Alison's shirt, Fred's nails scratching at her back, Fred's urgent lips on the blue eyed girl's. A loud noise brings her back to the present, and she looks down at her hand to see that she'd snapped her quill in half against the parchment, ink splattering. "Alright, there?" Asks Cassius softly, moving from his spot next to Adrian.

for the one i love ; fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now