"Ok. Alright." She knew that she was right. The longer that she waited the worse the consequences were going to be.


Elena walked into the building and seen Kol as her locker. She really hoped that she didn't start to blush. Stupid pale face. It was easier anywhere else cause she could put her head down and walk away or make up an excuse to leave. Her feelings had only intensified since she had slept with him at the party. She always tried to give anything away but her skin was to light to hide it.(A/nI swear i do this all the time i be like why won't you stop turning red you gonna give it away.)

She walked up to her locker."What do you want?"

"I need your help?"

"With." Elena asked.

"I have to break up with Bonnie."

She was curious why he was coming with her."And you need my help because you can't do it. You break up with her yourself."

"More like i'm scare she's going to snap and try to hit me and i can't hit her."

"But I can. Smart but you have a sister and you didn't ask Caroline."

"Caroline and my sister are already planning to jump her."


The school doors slammed open making everyone look to see Davina who had transfered with a redhead and a brunette. They walked straight to them."Hi. Miss me."

"No." Elena and Kol both shook there head. Elena was ok with Davina but she was also Kol's ex-girlfriend so.

"Why i'm here to help you Elena i'm the only one with physcial proof from 2 years ago." Davina stood by Kol and showed her a picture so he couldn't see.

"How the hell did you get that?" It was a picture of Elena and Kol from the party.

"I was at the party duh." Davina turned off her phone so that no one else could see the picture."I'm the only one with proof. I'm here to help."

"Who are these two"

"Hi i'm Hope Mikaelson." The red head said.

"Hi i'm Layla Mikaelson." Brunette said.


"I'm 17" Hope said.

"I'm 16" Layla said.

"Mikael and Esther both had affairs. These are your sisters Kol." Davina said.

"Thats who the money went to." Kol said.

"What Money?" Elena asked. She was confused on what they were talking about

"My dad died so before he seperated his money he had billions of Dollars he seperated it into 14's." Layla pulled out a envelope and handed it to Elena."I'll explain later just put that in your bag."

Elena put it in her bag."Ok so."

"Umm were new were living by ourself. My mom died a few months ago. We knew we had family here. So we came." Hope said.

Elena was still really confused why the three came to them and not to someone else. What did they want?"So if i slap her and she tries to fight me i will beat her ass we know this right."She really needed him to get away from her.

"Your best friends with my sister i know." Kol said. He was looking at the two girls that said they were his sisters. They did have a few distinctive traits."Thank you."

"No problem bye." She opened her locker as he walked away.

When he was far enough Layla shook her head."Your blushing."

My Bestfriend Brother- Kolena (Book one)Where stories live. Discover now