Chapter 27 (Epilogue)

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                         6 years later
                   Aarthi's Graduation

Today Aarthi was graduating from the University of Sydney. Aarthi was hesitant in the beginning to move to Sydney, she preferred staying closer to Siddharth in India, Aarthi didn't apply at this uni hoping for admission but with the grace of God, she got admission here with a scholarship which is something that many people do not get. Aarthi didn't want to leave Siddharth and move to Australia, that too for five years. But after being persuaded by Siddharth and his family Aarthi finally decided to give it a chance here in Sydney. Whenever they got some time Aarthi and Siddharth made sure to spend it together, it was not easy for Aarthi or Siddharth, they missed each other terribly but the long-distance relationship made their bond much more stronger and powerful.

Siddharth, grandpa, grandma, Ananya and Ashok was here today to celebrate Aarthi's success, they were very happy that Aarthi's hard work was finally being paid off. When Aarthi was in her third year Ashok proposed Ananya, and within a few months, both of them got married in a simple court wedding. Ananya is now the head of very successful event management. Ashok is a strong pillar of strength for her. Ashok is currently working in Siddharth's company which has developed massively over the last 6 years.

Aarthi was draping her blue cotton saree and Siddharth was helping her. Siddharth wanted his wife to look the best on her big day. "You could have worn a dress. It may have been a bit more easier for you Aarthi." Siddharth told Aarthi, "I would have loved it too Siddharth but I wanted to represent my Indian culture as I'm an Indian" Aarthi replied to Siddharth. "Yep, I can understand Aarthi. You look beautiful in whatever you wear" Siddharth said making Aarthi blush. It's been nearly 7 years after they've got married but still, Siddharth's actions and words managed to create a big effect in Aarthi. "So shall we leave? We don't want to be too late for your big day right? Because my wife has passed with a gold medal she'll have speeches to present right?" Siddharth said.

"Oh yeah I don't want to be too late," Aarthi told Siddharth whilst adjusting Siddharth's blazer. "How's my hair? Is it ok?" Aarthi asked Siddharth checking her curled hair once more in the mirror. "You look perfect Aarthi. Come let's leave before it gets too late." Siddharth said. Soon they set off and reached where the graduation ceremony was going to take place, without wasting much time Aarthi joined her colleagues. The place was very much crowded.

Soon the graduation ceremony started, Aarthi was finally honoured with her degree by the vice-chancellor. Aarthi who received the gold medal in her faculty stood in front of the podium. Siddharth, grandma, grandpa, Anu and Ashok all looked at Aarthi very proudly and cheered for her. Siddharth's eyes were getting watery seeing Aarthi's accomplishment.

Aarthi without wasting time cleared her throat.

"Good evening, dear vice-chancellor, lecturers, friends and family and to every single one of you who is graduating with me today.

I am very happy and proud today to be awarded with the gold medal along with my degree where I've achieved first-class honours. However, I understand that graduation is not the end, it is just the beginning of a new chapter in life. After this, I will be shifting back to India where I will start my official practice as a doctor.

I am taking this opportunity to thank everyone who has guided and motivated me to keep going and earn this degree. I would like to especially thank my husband Mr Siddharth Agarwal and his family, without them, I will not be standing here. Six years ago my husband dug out one of my dreams which I had buried a long time ago due to financial issues, my husband was the one who set my wings free, he told me to go and fly and chase my dreams. Without his constant motivation, love, help and care during my difficult phases, I wouldn't have made it. I'm also thanking my husband's grandparents and sister and her husband. Also my aunty at this moment for not leaving me alone when everyone did after my parents died and for their constant support.

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