Chapter 20

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"Aarthi please calm down, I'm sorry for assuming things instead of taking the time out to communicate properly to you," Siddharth told Aarthi apologetically "Aarthi I wanted to tell you this properly but way too many things got in the way delaying it. I don't know if this is the right situation or not but Aarthi I'm genuinely starting to develop feelings towards you." Siddharth finally confessed.

Aarthi immediately lifted her face from the ground, her happiness was visible through her eyes which was shining now. Siddharth didn't know how Aarthi would take it but before it gets too late Sidharth wanted to confess his feelings.

Aarthi's anger immediately faded and a bright smile took over her lips. "Mee too Siddharth, I wanted to tell you this but like you said I didn't get the right opportunity," Aarthi explained to Siddharth shyly to which Siddharth chuckled. Immediately they sealed their the confessions with a kiss, it wasn't a rushed one instead they took it slowly setting fire into each other's bodies. Aarthi slowly pulled Siddharth's neck more towards her whilst Siddharth embraced her tightly into his arms. Finally, when they got out of breath they both released each other, after placing a small kiss on Aarthi's forehead Siddharth said: "go and freshen up Aarthi." After nodding, Aarthi left Siddharth's embrace with a cheeky smile. The equation between them had changed just in the span of a few minutes, just because he used the tool communication,  a relationship which may have failed received another life.

However, Aarthi was feeling guilty about how she behaved to Rohan early in the day, she wanted to apologise to him and try and build a life for Rohan together with Sidharth. When Aarthi told this to Siddharth he was ever so happy to stand with Aarthi as a strong pillar and rebuild Rohan's and possibly Naina's life as well... 

The next day Aarthi and Sidharth dressed up to visit Rohan's house. Aarthi dressed up in a salwar whilst Sidharth dressed up in his white shirt and trousers looking very handsome. Soon they set off and arrived at Rohan's simple but elegant house, with a racing heart Aarthi knocked on the door, after knocking on the door few times Rohan finally opened the door and looked at Aarthi very coldly, "what do you want ?" Rohan asked both Aarthi and Sidharth coldly. "We want to speak to you Rohan, please let us in." Hesitantly Rohan made way for Aarthi and Siddharth. Little Aarthi was sat on the floor munching on the cereal whilst watching her favourite cartoon, seeing Siddharth and Aarthi she immediately ran to Rohan and hid behind his back shyly making Siddharth giggle. Soon the room went into silence "so what's it that you want to speak to me ?" Rohan asked. 

"Rohan I'm extremely sorry for what happened yesterday. I didn't mean to react in the way I did, I was very disturbed when you approached me when you talked about reconciling our past relationship my already disturbed mind was triggered even more that's why I reacted in the way I did. Rohan, believe me, I have immense respect for you and a big place in my heart but that does not mean I still love you, please accept the fact that I have moved on Rohan and start a new beginning at least for your little one. If you continue your life like this Rohan then I'm never going to leave the jail I am currently in which is filled with guilt neither I'll be able to live peacefully with Siddharth."

Rohan sat there quietly trying his best to digest everything Aarthi just said. After a long silence, Rohan opened his mouth to speak "Aarthi each word you said yesterday was like a piercing in my heart, if I am being honest the scar has not healed much even now. But Aarthi I don't want to be an extra weight for anyone, so yesterday itself I decided to move to Delhi with Aarthi and start fresh from there. I don't know if another woman will ever win my heart if someone does I will definitely give them a chance. If not being a single dad and living for my daughter it's totally fine for me. Ah! Also Aarthi's mum Yuktha is coming to India from America just to clear our final divorce proceedings so she can remarry. She has raised that she wants Aarthi but that's not happening, If my baby too leaves me then Rohan is no more." Rohan's words made Aarthi sadder, she had no idea what this person was up to, but, Aarthi did not argue to Rohan furthermore. As she stood up to leave Aarthi heard the familiar voice of Siddharth saying something "Rohan I can understand you but you can't just expect a girl to cross your path, you need to make some effort as well. Why can't you make profiles on dating apps, you might meet someone with a similar personality like you Rohan. If you don't mind Rohan I can bring some proposals so you can maybe a have a look through them." 

"Hmmm before that I need to prepare my mind for it...
The only reason I spoke to Aarthi that day like that was because of you and the way you told me how Aarthi still has feelings for me. I don't know It sparked something in me after Siddharth told me about it, but I deeply regret mentioning to you about it Aarthi, please accept my apologies for causing you inconvenience as well." Rohan said. 

"There's no need to apologise, Rohan, even I would do the same In a way," Aarthi said expressing a smile. 

Soon after making their peace with Rohan, they both left Rohan's house, in a few hours time Sid is leaving to London for an official meeting for 3 weeks. Aarthi was sad that Sid was leaving but she couldn't force him to stay back at home, seeing Siddharth's suitcases and bag at the front of the house sunk Aarthi's heart ...

After packing the final few things Siddharth was finally ready to leave. Aarthi was in their room looking out of the window due to her sadness, Siddharth understood she was upset, therefore, he circled his hands around Aarthi's waist from behind, the sudden action made her jump. "What happened to you all of the sudden? Is it because I am leaving? " Siddharth asked her burying his face into her neck, Aarthi didn't say anything. "Look I'll be back in three weeks, believe me, the time will go really quick. Over the three weeks, I don't want you to be gloomy, be happy, go out maybe and pamper yourself. Make yourself ready for when I return ..." The last sentence of Siddharth made Aarthi blush realizing the hidden meaning behind his words, after placing a final kiss on her neck Siddharth removed his hands and then cupped her face and placed a small kiss on her forehead and held her hands. Together they walked to the entrance of their house where everyone else was waiting for them.

Siddharth was happy with the progression they have made in their relationship, he was ever so glad for confessing his feelings to Aarthi and was pleased with her reaction as well. Siddharth was already thinking of surprises for when he comes back from London, he wanted to confess his true feelings and make Aarthi his. Only his. However, secretly he wished for her to stop him, he wanted more input from her in this relationship, he wanted to feel important too ...

After putting his phone into his pocket he took his blazer then gave everyone a brief hug. "Take care," Aarthi said as he hugged her.

Hope you all liked this chapter.

Finally, Siddharth has confessed he likes her!!

Who might be paired up with Rohan? Will it be Yuktha, Naina, Aarthi or Ananya?

Please let me know what you all think!

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