Chapter 18

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Ever since that meeting, Aarthi has been quite dull. She's not talkative like she used to be, Aarthi is picking more shifts now just to keep herself busy and engaged from the personal stress she is going through, she doesn't see much of Siddharth either as he's working more than usual as well, to be honest, they are both growing apart from each other.

Aarthi wasn't working today, therefore she decided to visit her aunty and Radhika. Just like Siddharth had promised earlier on he has taken the responsibility of Radhika's education expenses. She has not visited them properly after her marriage therefore she decided to go today, Aarthi asked Ananya to call for an auto-rickshaw for Aarthi to go. Aarthi asked Ananya if she wants to come with her but Ananya politely declined it as Ananya is busy with starting up her new event management business, she is only 21 but her termination and strength is incredible.

After getting ready in her jeans and top Aarthi picked up her handbag and decided to leave, she left a message on Sidharth's phone telling him where she is going. Then after telling everyone else she set off, however, after around 10 minutes into the journey traffic started piling up creating a block,  when the auto-rickshaw driver asked someone they explained that the block is due to an accident. Aarthi was getting impatient sitting in the auto-rickshaw, therefore she decided to get out and look for herself, when she got closer to the accident spot she noticed a girl laying on the ground injured, there was a small crowd which surrounded her, when Aarthi saw the women's Aarthi's eyebrows knitted together in shock!! Quickly she knelt next to Naina, she was luckily breathing. Immediately the ambulance which someone had called for arrived, along with Naina, Aarthi also accompanied her. Within some time they finally reached the hospital, Naina was then immediately rushed to the accidents and emergency department in the hospital, just as the ambulance driver was going to leave he handed Naina's handbag over to Aarthi. Aarthi tightly clutched onto the handbag and waited outside the ICU to hear the doctor's response. After approximately 30 minutes the doctor finally came out of the ICU and after confirming Aarthi was with Naina he explained to her that there is nothing to worry about because not much harm has occurred from the accident also, he informed Aarthi that Naina was responding well to the medications.

Aarthi sighed in relief, later Aarthi decided to dig into Naina's handbag for a contact number so she can inform someone appropriate about Naina's condition. There Aarthi found a little card with the name 'Mr Joshi'. That's when Aarthi remembered that Naina's husband's name is Joshi. So she called that number, almost immediately he picked up but when Aarthi told his about Naina's condition he ended the call abruptly not bothering to even give a response. Aarthi did genuinely feel irritated but she calmed herself. Later Naina was shifted to the normal ward, Aarthi went to see Naina so she can leave after that immediately.

When Aarthi went to see Naina she looked quite weak, Naina slowly opened her eyes when she saw Aarthi and smiled vaguely. "Thank you Aarthi for everything" Naina slowly said. "It's fine Naina. I had called your husband to inform about your accident but the call got ended abruptly. Anyway if there isn't anything else I can do I'm leaving now." Aarthi said and stood up to leave from the chair.

"Aarthi can I talk to you about some things you have some time to spare because I want at least one person to know what happened in my life." Naina request which Aarthi accepted.
"I don't know if Sid has ever told you that I was once engaged to him. But we couldn't marry each other because I got married to someone else for the sake of my family, my father has borrowed money from Mr Joshi many times but my father never told any of us about it. One day my father got a threat to either pay all the money within a week or either get me married to that evil man. Dad only told us about it the day before all the money was due, on the day before dad revealed to me and mum that if 15 crores are not paid before the next day either I'll have to get married to him or he will destroy my family. You might be thinking why I didn't contact Sidharth about it then well that's because Sidharth was not financially stable as much as he is now, and for a fact I very well knew that Sidharth will not be able to arrange so much money under such short notice, therefore, I had no option other than to marry that creep. After getting married to him Aarthi I'm a lifeless soul, Sidharth is the one who made me who I am today, without him I would've still been a zero in life and for that what I did to him is unforgivable Aarthi." Naina said wiling away her tears. Aarthi felt ever so sorry listening to Naina's and didn't know how to comfort her friend.

Naina then continued and said," he is a devil Aarthi, he didn't marry me because he loved me but because he wanted to share my body with many of his evil friends, he made me a prostitute Aarthi. I didn't have the courage then to protest but gradually I gained the courage. I've now filed a case against him and at the same time filed a divorce. After the divorce, I will be moving from this place Aarthi, I will never come in between you and Sid Aarthi. Never!" Naina finished by holding Aarthi's hands. Aarthi felt ever so sorry for Naina, she had no clue kn how to comfort Naina.

"Can I also tell you a secret, please don't ever disclose it to anyone?" Naina asked Aarthi, to which she replied: "yes go ahead Naina."

"I am Ananya's donor, I donated my stem cells to her. But that was only after getting her consent. Like you do Anu also knows my story but I've made her promise me to never disclose it to anyone and never to tell Sid about it. This is the smallest thing I can do for Sid right?" Naina asked Aarthi. A range of emotions crossed Aarthi's mind, "yes definitely Naina, I have no words to thank you for what you did for Ananya... You're a person with big heart Naina." Aarthi said. Soon after a long day, Aarthi decided to go back home. She was still trying to process everything that has happened in her life over the last few days. It was 7 pm by the time she reached home. Siddharth had already arrived back from work.

"How's your aunty and Radhika?" Siddharth asked Aarthi as he noticed her entering the room. Aarthi didn't want to lie to Sidharth therefore when decided to explain everything to Sidharth on what happened today and what Naina told her. As expected Sidharth was very shocked, he pitied Naina and her condition and wanted to do something for her, for now, to make her life a little brighter. Naina's life taught Sidharth that not everyone is bad in life, sometimes the situation makes puts the person on the bad side. Naina tried to speak to him various times after that but it was Sidharth who wouldn't allow Naina to clear her side. Communication is a very important factor that helps to prevent misunderstandings in life, all these years Sidharth thought Naina a cheater and waster his precious year's to be able to not get over what Naina did. If he had understood what led to this situation in Naina's life Sidharth earlier he could have helped her one way or another. However, Aarthi did not mention Naina was Anus donor.

Aarthi broke Sidharth's trance by saying "Sidharth Ananya's condition has improved and it's nearly going to be a year after our marriage meaning our contract will end anytime soon. So Sidharth shall we speed up our divorce process?"


Here are the next chapter gu.....

How was it?

What do you all think of Naina now?

Will Aarthi and Sidharth divorce and go back to their ex's?

Ignore grammatical issues!! Will come back soon with another chapter.

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