"J-Jungkook.." Seokjin called out while trying to stop Jungkook.

"You piece of shit, I trusted you. You told me you'll never hurt Hyung, you promised me and I was too dumb to agree to that- not only You've ruined your relationship with the man who loved you. But your best friends who trusted you for years.." Jungkook punched him while uttering those words out of breath. He was mad. Too mad, Namjoon promised that's why he agreed.

He agreed because of one condition, he won't break Seokjin's heart, 'cause if he did he'll lose both. Friendship and his lover.

"Get lost hyung. I don't want to see you"

He was one step closer into breaking his nose, but he stopped, he stood up and looked at Namjoon for the last time before walking away not even bothering if Yoongi and Seokjin were calling out for him to come back but he didn't listen.

Namjoon begged for a few times, but Yoongi didn't let the older hear about it anymore and left the scene by car.

He was worried as well for his younger brother, but hell, he can't just leave the older alone. So he decided to let Seokjin stay at his unit for awhile while he tried to reach Hoseok for help.

"What's wrong? I heard you guys were searching for Namjoo-"

"Can you help me?" His voice easily tells Hoseok that he needed it badly. Hoseok could tell he was struggling so he replied immediately.

"Of course, anything. What is it?"

"Find Jungkook for me please, I'm sorry if I have to disturb you. And please if you found him come here as soon as possible okay? " Yoongi ordered sadly.

"I'll try to find him, but I don't know where he I- Never mind, I'll be there in a minute."

Hoseok ended the call and Yoongi could only sigh, he wondered if he already found Jungkook.


"Jimin-ssi.." Jungkook who had clearly been hit real good smiled weakly at Jimin who opened the door for him.

His eyes shot wide open after seeing Jungkook in front of their dorm room.
He didn't even think about it twice, but dragged the man inside the room and lets him sit for a while while Taehyung is getting the first aid in the bathroom.

"What happened to you.." Jimin's eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"You won't believe what Hyung did to me, " he laughed, earning a really weird look from Jimin. The younger grabbed the first aid from Taehyung's hand and signed him to leave with Hoseok, and he did actually - knowing this was a serious matter. There Jungkook and Jimin was left alone.

"You know this isn't the time to joke Jungkook" Jimin says, his voice laced with worry in it.

"Don't worry about it-"

"Tell me." Jimin looked at him directly in the eyes "and be honest, " he added, making the older swallow a huge lump on his throat.

He can't lie.

"Namjoon Hyung got a new bitch?" He says more like a question, Jimin's eyes widened once again after hearing this. Did the older really did that? Seeing how compatible those two were, It'd end up like this?. . No. Why?.

"Why?, why did he do that?" He asked Jungkook while cleaning his bruises, he seemed calm outside but he was worrying about it badly.

"He mentioned about it's not what it looked like- though he was making out with a girl like a hungry animal-"

"How careless could you actually be?."

"What?" Jungkook looked at him, surprised, he did not expect Jimin to say that.

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