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"Alright, here is the address of mr lee, since he is my friend I have already made him aware of your presence, so you may leave and remember, don't trust anyone" mr hyun-woo said, giving a small paper to mr jeon

"We know our job mr hyun, don't worry, the killer will be in front you in no time" mr Kim said walking out of the door with jungkook.

There was a stillness of death, both males were walking their way towards the car which was parked in front of the building they were currently in. Jungkook went towards the car door before mr Kim and opened the car door for mr Kim to enter

"Way to go mr gentlemen" mr Kim said, laughing lightly before pushing himself in and buckling the seat belt

"Thats my personality mr Kim, you have get used to it" jungkook said fixing the rear mirror before starting the car.

The whole ride was filled with absolute pin drop silence and awkwardness, no one said anything. After few minutes which seemed like eternity, they arrived to the crime scene where mr lee was also present. They both unbuckled their seat belts, got out of the car and started walking towards the big building, covered with marbles and stones. It was like a mansion but looked some what old, as if it was made by their ancestors in their late 80's.

"Good morning mr Kim and mr jeon" mr lee said, his voice sounded weak and cracked as if he have been crying for hours and hours everyday for weeks.

"Mr lee can we have a talk with you for a bit?" Mr Kim asked, to which mr lee slightly nodded in agreement.

"So what was your relation with mrs lee? Can you give us a background of it?" Mr jeon asked, with a serious face. Mr lee looked at Kim and than at jeon, took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak.

"Mrs lee was my wife, she was the best type of life partner anyone could ever ask for, hardworking ,persistent, active and caring. This all happened when I was out of town for some business, I left her alone in this mansion with some maids and workers who worked under us, after I was gone for weeks I suddenly got the news about tragic death of my wife, I was startled and horrified and frozen, we were never on any bad terms with anyone outside our family, which was the reason I couldn't believe it either, but I guess I had to face the reality that my one and only wife got murdered.." Mr lee finished, tears flowing from his eyes like a fountain of water, he was shaking and it was obvious he was in a big trauma, well..atleast that what others thought.

"Hm..can you tell us where we can meet those maids and workers?" Mr Kim asked, both of his hands resting on his chin while his elbow resting on the table.

"They are here only" mr lee said, wiping his tears away and walking out to get the workers who were sitting on the chair.

"This will be harder than we think mr jeon" mr Kim said looking directly into jungkook's eyes

"I know mr Kim"

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