Chapter 13: Best Sleep Ever

Start from the beginning


Maira's POV:
I woke up due the movements around me. I am a heavy sleeper but hospital sleeps I would say can't be heavy. A slight movement and I can wake up in such environment.

I open my eyes and see the position I was sleeping in, well seems not that light of a sleeper as I thought. I didn't move since his head was on top of mine and be would get up. I looked up and saw his stubbled face, sharp jawline that can cut my hand it seems, his disheveled hair through which I wanna run my hand.

Idiot, what is it you are saying? Arre you still sleeping you dimwit? Get back to your senses, what are you even thinking?

I got out of my not-so-good thoughts and decided to create some distance between us. I am sure he would not want to see us like this. I untangle my arms from his and he shifted keeping his head on my shoulder. I wanted to move away before anyone saw us but I didn't have the heart to break his sleep. I decided to let him sleep for some more time.

My thoughts were interrupted by the staunch smell of the disinfectant which basically reminds you of hospitals. Feeling pukish I ran outside the hospital and  bent down puking in a corner near a tree. I felt someone rubbing my back and holding my hair back while I was getting my guts out. I took the bottle offered by the person rubbing my back. After washing my mouth I got up and turned around.

I expected it to be Prince Jai afterall I literally left his head hanging in air while I ran out. Before I could thank him he decided to become my mother and I don't know why!!!

"Are you okay? It's because you have eaten anything. I should have forced you to eat. You should look after yourself Maira. What is..."

"I am fine, Mom. I can take care of myself. Stop momming me now please. And thanks for the water."

"Maira please eat something or else you'll again fall sick."

"It's not because I am hungry. I will eat when I want to." I was annoyed now and a bit cranky but that's because when I am hungry I tend to get angry and irritated and Jai's pestering is just bringing it to the edge of unleashing my anger.

I know you all might be thinking why I am not eating, that's because I know I'll be found here again if I eat cause I don't feel good at the hospitals and eating and being in hospital is dangerous for me. As long as the hospital smell is not to strong I can manage. I mean I only puked once yesterday, that too when the hospital smell became too much for me. Thankfully, no one noticed.

I came back leaving Jai. Instead of going inside the hospital I sent and sat on a bench placed in the hospital garden and closed my eyes feeling tired. Well what I did was tedious. Not to gross you all but I puked more than I should once I start puking. You know people who gag just hearing  someone puke, I fall in that category so... I know I am weird but that's me. I can even puke hearing someone else puke, so let's not talk about my weirdness. I closed my head not to think about the staunch smell.

I felt someone sit beside me but didn't bother opening my eyes. "Maira, eat something you will feel better." "I told you I don't wanna eat anything. I will have something later on. You should go inside."

I didn't wanna be rude but I am cranky so it's best he leaves me alone. He looked at me and realising it's better to leave me alone he went inside. I decided to ask the doc when we can take Maharaja home and about any other health concerns, so I went inside after few minutes and knocked on the doctor's cabin. I entered the cabin and took a seat.

"Good morning doctor, I wanted to know the progress about Maharaja and when can we take him home."

"Well, once he regains his consciousness we will run a few tests in him and then you should be good to go if all the tests are fine."

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