He looked up the mermen had all some how got even closer. Another one had climbed onto the rocks, his navy tail was visible from his waist. His hair was a dark inky black, with navy tints. He was staring at Jimin intensely, onyx black eyes showed no indication of where abouts on Jimin he was staring. Each of the mermen all had complete pitch black eyes no white to be seen.

Jimin made a note of it, it might have something to do with being in water all the time. When he noticed something whenever the merman blinked, their eyelids came down and when they rised again there was a film covering over their eyes that would move to the side. Almost like a double eyelid both going in opposite directions. Jimin added that to the notes.

All of the merman wore a necklace of some sorts, some had them reaching down to their mid torso, others had it around their collar bones, one of them had it wrapped almost like a choker around his neck.

Jimin quickly sketched a page for each merman leaving 3 pages after each of the drawings so he could make notes and possibly draw their tails if he was to see them.

The red haired merman seemed to be getting annoyed that he wasn't really paying them that much attention. He tried to batter the book out of Jimin's hands. Not so it would land in the water. But instead hit the book side that rested on Jimin's knee, so it would fly up and hit against his torso, leaving wet finger print marks on the spine and front cover of the book.

Jimin took the hint and put the book to one side he had completed the drawings after all.

Jimin noticed the time, seeing that it was already 1pm, he pulled the lunch box out of the waterproof bag he had brought. He slid the art book inside and closed it to make it watertight.

The food got all of the mermen's attention, they looked curious as he opened up the box. Not used to the smell of cooked food and the food was rather different to their seafood diet.

As he was eating one of the mermen reached out and plucked some of the kimchi out of the box. He held it up in his head the spicy cabbage looked alot like seaweed, and he liked seaweed. Sniffing it a couple of times, he looked at Jimin curiously. So Jimin took some of the kimchi and put it in his own mouth to show that it was ok.

The merman grinned a row of sharp teeth at him, before copying Jimin's actions. The merman's eyes widened as he ate the kimchi, a taste that was entirely foreign to him. But he found he liked it. He made a happy noise and the other merman turned their attention off Jimin for a brief moment since they had first saw him to look at the navy tailed merman.

But their attention soon snapped back to Jimin and they all looked curiously at the lunch box. Jimin wondered if the navy merman had told them something. So he decided to experiment.

He took a piece of the kimchi and offered it to the closest merman. They looked at him in confusion, but then their face lit up, green hair dropping into their eyes as they accepted the food. He repeated this action with each of the mermen.

They all did exactly the same thing the navy haired merman had done. Sniffed it and looked at Jimin with curiosity. Who repeated his previous action to sait their worries.

Jimin was lucky he loved kimchi as he had packed a good sized portion because the mermen were absolutely enamored with the food. They all looked at Jimin with pleading eyes before looking at the kimchi. They were like dogs begging for a treat. Jimin indulged them, not realising he had only had 2 pieces until it was gone.

But the mermen looked happy so Jimin was fine with that. He eventually showed them the empty box that had a range  disappointed whining noises but they soon got over it to stare at the rest of Jimin's lunch box with curiosity.

But Jimin was wary of the tide, it always came in around lunch time as 2pm. It was now 1:45pm he need to get back to the higher land. So he closed the half eaten lunch box, packing away his stuff and got ready to leave.

The mermen all made a noise of protest as he stood up and slipped on his flip flops. Not understanding what he was doing. But the red haired one knew. He desperately grabbed in the direction of Jimin's ankle. He didn't want him to run away again.

He got a grip around Jimin's ankle, preventing him from moving. Jimin looked startled, he acted on impulse. He reached down and ran his fingers through the merman's hair and down to the base of his skull. One scratch their and the merman became like putty. Completely lax, he was able to pull his ankle out of the merman's grasp while he was distracted. He then moved quickly. Running over the rocks, he hoped he made it back to the higher land, not wanting to get caught in the water that was rising fast.

The sand was hot under foot as he ran, he barely looked back, if he did he would see the faces off 6 incredibly distressed mermen.


"I see what you mean about the running thing" Yoongi stated as he watched the pink haired human run from them.

"Not helpful Yoongi" Namjoon informed him.

"Just making an observation" Yoongi put his hands up in surrender.

"But he did it" Jin pointed out.

"He offered us food in the intention of courtship" Hoseok was excited.

"And it tasted really good I hope he brings more" Taehyung said enthusiastically. His navy tail beating around with barley contained excitement.

But for now they all observed the human run from the safety of the water.


Another chapter I hope you liked it.

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