"Cutting you out?"

"I said I'd be at the next scan and she said I won't be. I guess she's cutting me out from anything to do with the baby because I won't leave and go running home to her."

"Killen if you have to go home I understand." Luna says softly. "The last thing I want to do is cause trouble for you."

"No, the scan is in an hour, I can't make it home in an hour and besides, I said I'd stay with you and that's what I want to do, I didn't know about the scan, she can't just expect me to jump in the car and speed home, she knew I wasn't in town and she didn't call until she knew I was with you." I sigh.

"But will she really cut you out of all the appointments now?"

"Probably, Farah is like that, she's using the baby against me already."

"I understand your frustrations with her, and maybe she is just doing this because she wants you to run home to her, but Kill, if you want to go home  because you don't want to be cut off from everything further to do with the baby, I understand and I'd understand you leaving." She takes my hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "Really, I'll be okay on my own, I have my bear now, and I have my moon."

"I don't even know the baby is mine Luna, and if it is and I'm allowing myself to be cut off from all of this then I'm an asshole, but I'm not going home, I'm where I want to be." I lean down pressing a kiss to her lips.

After kissing me back, she lays back down on the bed, and pulls me down with her, and snuggling in close. "I want you to stay too, but if you change your mind I understand, okay?" She all but whispers and presses a kiss to my chest.

"And that's exactly why I'm not going, you're fucking perfect Luna and I'm not letting anything get in the way of this."

"Just know that I'll support you no matter what." She whispers and presses a kiss to my cheek. "I don't ever want to come in between you and the baby, or put you in a situation where you have to choose."


Farah cutting me out of anything to do with the baby because I didn't drop everything and run home to a scan I didn't know about hurt a little.

But it didn't hurt because of anything to do with Farah, it hurt because I feel like a massive asshole if the baby is mine and I've missed out on scans and other important milestones I should have been part of.

Then again, I'm not choosing to be cut out, Farah is cutting me out and that's on her.

I just wish I didn't have to go through this with her, she's a horrible person at the best of times let alone when she's being an outright bitch.

After the phone call and cuddling in bed for an hour, Luna and I ventured downstairs to have some breakfast, and after breakfast she got to work on planning our date night for tonight leaving me to hang out on my own for a while.

I don't mind spending time on my own, but it's not something I'm really used to, at home there is always people around, always Ace or Ella, or Mom or Dad or one of the girls to annoy me. But here with Luna, it's just her, she doesn't have any family, and with Vanessa being busy with her family I'm starting to see why she gets so lonely all the time, it's not much fun being on your own.

Making my way out into the backyard, an un-lit cigarette in one hand and my lighter in the other, I look out ahead of me, that's when I see Luna hanging things from the trees, looking as if she's struggling.

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