Chapter 192: The Chained Devil

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However, just as the chain devil was on the cusp of success, something deflected the chain past Kashi. The chain devil, who was still airborne, glared at the white-haired assassin who had suddenly appeared in front of the daeben, daggers drawn.

Blood dripped down Shadow's right arm, but his gaze remained even. This was a fair price to pay for blocking that deathblow. Shadow glared at the airborne chain devil then whispered, "Go."

"Of course," Kashi replied as an unbelievable amount of ki surged around him. With both [Ferulic's Spirit Technique] and [Angel Step's Technique] activated, Kashi's speed peaked.


Shadow swayed in place, blanketed by the sonic boom that erupted after Kashi launched ahead at full speed. The chain devil could barely hold in its shock when the daeben suddenly appeared above it, holding two chains in his hands.

Kashi did not give the devil a chance to react and instantly flogged the devil with its own chains. His arrows might have lacked the sharpness, but the devil's chains were crafted from Darkgold Steel, a rare metal only found in the hottest regions like the depths of volcanoes. The sickles at the end of the chains were more than sharp enough to pierce the monster's skin.

Coupled with his burst in strength, the sickles left deep gashes in the devil's chest as it crashed to the ground.

Kashi let out a roar as he gathered ki in his right hand and then punched out. A ki dragon shot of his arm and slammed into the downed devil, further compounding its injuries. The daeben, however, was far from through with his attacks.

Kashi spun in place, so his head faced the ground, and then 'kicked' the air. A massive explosion of ki ensued, launching the daeben with the force of a bullet into the devil's midriff. The chained devil spasmed, hands and feet flailing upward as it suffered from the deadly blow.

Kashi prepared a follow-up attack, but a thunderous roar burst his eardrums and stalled him for a second.

The chained devil burst to its feet as it unleashed an explosion of ki that sent the daeben flying. The devil's red skin glowed bright, its eyes turning fiery red as it entered an 'enraged' state. In this state, the devil's speed and power grew exponentially. It completely abandoned defense and instead chose an all-out attack. Issuing a loud roar, it chased after the daeben, its chains moving ahead to slice off the pest's head.

Kashi's gaze narrowed as he spotted the incoming chains. He quickly righted himself mid-air and kicked the air, sending him flying in another direction. A chain flew by where he had been, but many more slid in from different directions, seemingly cutting off his escape route.

"Now this is interesting," Kashi praised with an excited grin as he bent backward, letting a sickle fly above him. Another chain sliced up from beneath him, but the daeben grabbed the chain that flew overhead and took advantage of its momentum to launch himself out of the other's path.

Kashi let go of the chain and descended onto another that zoomed underneath. The chain's speed provided enough weight for Kashi to dash across, dodging even more attacks. The daeben laughed as he jumped from one chain to the next, enjoying the reverse game of whack-a-mole.

After a minute or so of nerve-wracking gymnastics, Kashi noticed that the devil's red skin had begun to lose its glow. This was a tell-tale sign that it was about to lose its enraged status. Every gamer knew that the best time to unleash finishers on boss monsters was during the brief respite after a rage attack.

Kashi wielded his bow and glared at the incoming chains. This time, however, he shot to the ground, attracting the chains to follow him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

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