"what!!" i yelled "hes datng someone aready!"

"you didnt now?" she asked

"no! havent you heard? im a nerd? i dont get the gossip unless its about me." my heart ached

"well yeah hes dating some chick from another school,tottal slut if you asked me, but anywho party tonight yes or no?" I hesitated "cmon jess you know as well as i do that jake cant resite your bod"

"can we not refure to it as that please"

"aha sorry so what do you say yes or no? il come over dress you up and make you into a hot tamale"

i shake my head knowing i wasnt going to get out of this "ok"

"ok il see you in an hour" she squeeled


I had a shirt that only covered my boobs,shorts that barley covered my ass my hair was up in a bun expossing my neck that katie laced with a neckless that went just in my clevege. i did like the chuck taylors i was wearing and the gold hop earings but as far as im concern i look like a slut whos begging for some dick.

"i hate it" i said

"cmon jess get out the car"

i looked passed katie at the jumping party, i didnt want it, i hate parties as we all know but this night was overly expressed as a night of hell for me, not only because of jake but because of my outfit, im already getting hit on and im barley out the car." can we like do it at like a bowling place or movie theater?" i asked

katie groaned pulling me out the car and basicaly throwing me to the front lawn

i hate her..

as we make out way through the door the whistles start, the gathering of boys dropping to my feet start,and the shock from classmates starts to hover over me, i was uncomfortable beyond repair, i keep pulling my shorts down,or shall i say whats left of my shorts,but it wasnt workig. instead i just looked as if i was picking my undies out of my bum. Katie pulled me to where tony and his friend adam was, greeting both with hellos and hugs. i already knew adam from previouse encounters so i was a bit happy when katie and tony decided to leave my side that adam was here with me instead.

"so jessica, hows it going? i hear you have boy drama?" he said

"who told you that>" i asked

"i over heard katie telling tony hrough the car speakers" he smiles inocently

"yeah well besides that im doing fine" i lied i had to i didnt want to hear a lecture about how teen boys are just idiots and i should find someone older, then have to make up another lie just to get away from adam and his flirtiness. Adam used to have a thing for me a year ago, he was another one of the boys that wanted jake ass handed to him but like always i stopped them from doing anything, now i wish i didnt. maybe by now jake would know what he can or can not do to me.

"jake isnt here yet though, tony told him to come an hour late,said some guys he had beaf with were going to stop by, lame excused but like an idiot he is he fell for it" he takes a big sip of whatever it was in that red cup.

"where do you get the drinks?" dumb question i know but it doesnt look like the kicthen is in service by the sighn hanging over the doors saying keep out "whats up with the kitchen?"

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