Chapter Six

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(As you were next to Midnight, you were questioning what she was going to tell you.)

Midnight: Your mother and I were close friends. We've grown up together at U.A.

(You were surprised.)

Midnight: It was the time you were born.

(She flashes back, as she was in the hospital, visiting your mom.)

Midnight: Where's the new cutie?

Mom: He's right here.

(Your mom reveals you to Midnight, she was surprised and happy to see. She walks up to your mother and you.)

Midnight: *giggles* Hello there.

(She tries to poke your little cheek, but even more surprised you grabbed her finger. Midnight thought you were more adorable.)

Mom: My husband and I were thinking.

(Midnight looks at your mom, as your mom's expression was heart warming.)

Mom: Would you like to be....

(As Midnight returns from her memories, she said two words.)

Midnight: Your....Godmother.

(Your heart hit you hard, as you were shocked of those words.)

Y/n: G-Godmother?

(She looks at you as you looked like you were about to break down.)

Midnight: It was your mother's wish if she died.

(You gripped onto your chest where your heart is located.)

Midnight: Y/n....I'm....

(You took a few steps away from her. She was getting concerned.)

Midnight: Y/n...

(She then notices tears hitting the ground.)

Y/n: You...tell me

Midnight: I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you sooner, but you kept getting into action.

Y/n: You wanna know why I do it?

(You looked at her, as you were furious with tears flooding your eyes.)

Y/n: Because I promised her to be the best hero THAT I CAN BE!

(She gives you an expression of regret.)

Y/n:'s what the world is taking away from me. Even you.

(Midnight was about to get emotional.)

Midnight: Y/n please I...

Y/n: Shut up.

(You took more steps back. As you merged with the shadows. Your eyes and hair started to turn light blue.)

Y/n: Just leave me alone.

(You were about to walk away, until Midnight stopped you.)

Midnight: No.

(Her whip got attached to your arm. She pulls you back, but you stood your ground.)

Y/n: I've heard enough secrets. How many more secrets do I not know?

(Midnight now gets scared. You looked at her, more furious.)

Y/n: I knew it.

(You remove her whip from your arm.)

Y/n: I gotta stop for what's coming Midnight, with or without you.

(You ran away from Midnight, with tears continuing to fall. Midnight knelt down on the ground, as she began to cry. You met back with Hawks and Prince Crimson. They saw you burst into the room.)

Hawks: Woah kid, you okay?

(You threw your jacket aside.)

Y/n: Yeah. Anything new?

Prince Crimson: Unfortunately no, it appears there's no sight of Deadly Rose anywhere.

(You looked at the map. Looked at it closely.)

Y/n: Maybe they....

Hawks: They What?

Y/n: Maybe they completed what they're planning.

Hawks: Shit.

(You both looked at Prince Crimson, as he wasn't surprised.)

Y/n: Crimson?

Prince Crimson: How unfortunate.

Hawks: What is?

(In horror, you saw Prince Crimson turn into a puddle of blood. That's his quirk, he can use his blood to create duplicates. Even a single drop.)

Y/n: What the hell?

Hawks: It was one of his clones. That means...

Y/n: He's been captured or died.

(As you cleaned the blood. A call came from Hawks phone.)

Hawks: Who's this?

Speaker: Hello heroes I've guessed that your buddy made a clone.

Y/n: What have you done with him?

Speaker: Don't worry he's still kicking. Meet us tomorrow and we'll negotiate.

Hawks: Fine.

(You looked at Hawks as you were worried. The unknown caller hung up the phone.)

Y/n: It's a trap.

Hawks: I know.

(For the rest of the night you didn't go back to the hotel, you crashed at the hotel where Hawks was at. You barely didn't get much sleep. You had two hours of sleep.)

Field of Heart - Suspension [BNHA Fanfic] [Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now