Chapter Fourteen

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(Midnight looks at you, as you were awake. It's the next day, Kokoro has been defeated, you saved the day. Midnights tears up in joy that you're alive.)

Midnight: Y/n...I'm so happy that your alive.

Y/n: Mid...night

(She places her hand on your cast, turns out you broke you right arm.)


Midnight: I'm alright.

(She suddenly notices your hair was different, as there was huge silver line.)

Midnight: You changed a lot.

(As she touches your hair, you wanted to grab your locket but you noticed that it was missing.)

Y/n: My locket, where's my locket?

(You started to freak out, until Midnight stops you.)

Midnight: Calm down sweetie, I have it right here.

(She takes it out of her pocket, you were relieved.)

Midnight: When you went to finish the job, it flew off of you, I held onto it.

(She places the locket back into your hand. You held it tightly, then placed it close to your chest. You start to tear up.)

Y/n: Midnight...

(She looks at you.)

Y/n: Give all the credit to Endeavor.

(She was shocked about this.)

Midnight: What?

Y/n: I pulled the last straw, I'm sure to be expelled now, and I'll accept it.

(She pauses on your words, she then stands up.)

Midnight: I'll be right back.

(She leaves the room and heads to the lobby. As she makes it down there, she sees Hawks, Kamui Woods, Edgeshot, Mount Lady, Fatgum, and Endeavor.)

Fatgum: How is he?

Midnight: He's alive.

(They were relieved to hear the news.)

Midnight: But there's a small thing he mentioned.

(The look back at her, confused.)

Midnight: He wishes that Endeavor takes all the credit.

(They all look at Endeavor. As he heard this, Endeavor was silent.)

Endeavor: *talks in his head* This kid decides to give me credit for what he did?

(He gets a flashback of himself, giving you his power.)

Endeavor: *talks in his head* He saved the day, he saved everyone, he saved me.

(He looks at Midnight.)

Endeavor: I appreciate his offer, but I'm going to deny it.

(They were shocked with his response.)

Endeavor: It was the kid who prevented the conflict, he didn't care if he was under suspension. This kid deserves the credit for what he did.

(Midnight agrees with Endeavor. Her phone starts going off. It was Principal Nezu and All Might. They heard what was happening form overseas. It turns out that the battle was all over the news.)

Principal Nezu: Are you alright? Are you injured?

Midnight: I'm fine, thanks to him.

All Might: Speaking of Y/n, we must speak to him.

(Midnight makes her way back to your room. She arrives and she sees you resting. She sits next to you, slightly shakes you.)

Midnight: Y/n, wake up.

(You wake up and see her face.)

Midnight: They would like to have a word with you.

(She hands you her phone, as both Principal Nezu and All Might.)

Principal Nezu: Young Y/n, I hope you heal up soon.

(You close your eyes, as a sign of disappointment.)

Y/n: I know what I did was wrong, I take full responsibility of what I did, and I am accepting expulsion. For I broken the rules from police force.

(As both of them hear this, they were speechless.)

All Might: That's not why we're calling kid.

(You open up your eyes.)

Y/n: What?

(All Might clears his throat.)

All Might: For the past couple of days the police were examining your video that you gave to your class. Even though you were still under strict rules about your suspension, we understood why you kept going.

(You were on the verge on crying.)

All Might: As we saw the news everyone in your class, teachers, family, and the police saw what you did over there.

(Tears started to fall.)

Principal Nezu: That is why we're here to tell you that your suspension has been lifted.

(You started to cry. Midnight comforts you.)

All Might: Once you recover, you'll return home.

Y/n: *sobs* T-Thank you sirs.

Principal Nezu: Get well soon.

All Might: See you around.

(They hang up, you continue to cry. You were still in the hospital for three more days. The next day your cuts, bruises, and burns were gone, but your arm was still broken.)

Midnight: You ready to leave.

Y/n: Yeah.

(As the both of you make your way out the hospital, citizens and heroes were giving you thunderous applause, as they were excited to see you. There was a man with a microphone in front of him. It turns out it was the man behind the hero convention.)

Convention Manager: Ladies and gentlemen, the young hero who saved this wonderful city.

(There was cameras and news stations there.)

Y/n: *talks in your head* Holy shit.

Convention Manager: Come down here young man.

(Midnight pats your back. You make your way to the microphone.)

Y/n: Hello everyone, my name is Y/n L/n, I'm a student from U.A, in Japan. My hero name is Field Support. I did what was right, everyone needed heroes more than ever. Even though I had some personal complications, I didn't give up.

(You pulled Prince Crimson's pocket watch.)

Y/n: But the greatest heroes make the greatest sacrifices.

(You show everyone the pocket watch.)

Y/n: Prince Crimson never made it out alive.

(You start to tear up.)

Y/n: His sacrifice was not in vain. He died as hero. A true hero.

(You place the pocket watch back in your pocket.)

Y/n: To give people or heroes some encouragement just remember these words.
Go beyond plus ultra.

(You walk away from the microphone. Then bowed to the citizens and heroes, they give you another round of thunderous applause.)

Field of Heart - Suspension [BNHA Fanfic] [Male reader]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum