Chapter Eleven

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(After you apprehended Mind Flayer, you and Midnight make it back to the hotel. It was close to the ceremony.)

Mindnight: It's best of you keep your suit on. Makes you a little presentable around the other heroes.

Y/n: Right.

(You freshened up a bit. Until you heard something click. You were confused.)

Y/n: Huh?

(You tried to open your door, but or did it budge.)

Y/n: Midnight, Midnight there's something wrong with my door.

(You kept trying to open it, but it was stuck somehow. You didn't know she was behind the door.)

Midnight: *talks in her head* I'm sorry.

(She places her hand on the door.)

Midnight: Y/n, I can't let you out.

(You were shocked.)

Midnight: Crimson said that you're now a main target to Deadly Rose. This is for your protection.

Y/n: Protection?, I can protect everyone, I did it with Momo and her parents, I could do it for...

Midnight: NO!

(She breaks the door knob, makes sure you won't leave.)

Midnight: I don't want to lose you. Because I'll be a disgrace to your family and a hero. But you're still under suspension.

(You paused. As you were taken by her words.)

Midnight: The award ceremony will begin soon, I'm off.

Y/n: Award?

(You were shocked.)

Y/n: I shine like the sun, stands proud on my base, I am given away, whenever I am accepted. Award.

(You bang on the door, scared.)

Y/n: MIDNIGHT!! The answer of the riddle is award.

(You didn't know that she left. You continue to bang on your door, about to break down.)

Y/n: IT'S AWARD!!!!

(You tried to texted Hawks or the others, but you're phone was destroyed. You were more scared.)

Y/n: No...

(Midnight was thinking to herself if she was doing the right thing to protect you. But she was more focused on the other heroes who were making there way into the convention center.)

Y/n: Kokoro will kill them all, I need to warn them somehow, their lives depend on it.

(He looks at the window, you immediately, dashed out of it. As you started to dash to the convention center. As for Midnight and the others the award ceremony started.)

Ceremony Host: Welcome everyone to the final day of the convention, The Hero Award Ceremony.

(Hawks notices you're not there, he questions where you are at. You continue to make your way towards the convention center, you didn't care that you were running out of breath, you cared about protecting the others for what's about to happen.)

Y/n: *huffs*

(You suddenly tripped, landing face first to the floor. Nose starts to bleed. You tried to get up, but you were tired.)

Y/n: *huffs* Can'

(You remember what Mr.Yaoyorozu said about what Yaoyorozu told you, when you were weakened by the Dehydrator.)

Mr.Yaoyorozu: Y/n we need you now more than ever.

(The three words MORE THAN EVER, they've been stuck in your days after the incident. You struggled to get up, until your body shined light blue.)

Y/n: More...Than....Ever.....Fifty percent.

(You immediately launched off the rooftop. As you continued to make way to the convention center.)

Ceremony Host: This award goes to the hero with the best performance. And the winner is....Bash Buckler.

(Bash Buckler, the modern pirate hero, his quirk pirate, he has the skills, strength, speed, and agility like a pirate. As he approaches the stage, little did he know or any of the other heroes know that the Host is a Deadly Rose member.)

Ceremony Host: Congrat....

(They suddenly hear glass shattering and a light blue light, flying.)

Midnight: Y/n?


Ceremony Host: Impossible.

(The Host suddenly activated something, you immediately knew what it was.)


(As you wrapped a barrier around the stage, a ginormous explosion goes off inside, making you flying out the convention center, crashing into the building far from it. Suddenly, Deadly Rose members now started to invade the convention center.)

Midnight: Y/n...

Hawks: The kid figured it out?, where the hell was he?

Fatgum: He flew pretty far.

Endeavor: We'll worry about him later but first...

(They see the Deadly Rose members continuing to attack the other heroes. As Midnight and the others joined in. She arrives.)

Kokoro: DEATH TO HEROES!!!!!!!

Field of Heart - Suspension [BNHA Fanfic] [Male reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang